Friday, June 5, 2020


We here at Bleeding Yankee Blue LOVE David Cone.  He's a smart baseball guy.  I love that he's in the booth, but dare I say, I'd love to see him as a manager one day. He has what it takes. I've always said that.  No idea if that's in the back of his mind, but it should be.

With all this stuff going on with the baseball season being in jeopardy and now a dispute with the union, Cone has a solution, because both sides are just not budging and it's getting late early as Yogi used to say. Steve Serby of the New York Post writes:

"...the sides should meet back in the middle on an 82-game season with an expanded 14-team playoffs to get the ball rolling on a deal. 

'I would say a fair number would be somewhere in the 82-game region,' Cone said. 'If I was the commissioner that’s where I would try to start the conversation.'” 

It's reasonable and very fair. And to be honest, it's a solid solution. I mean look, we understand that Blake Snell is worried for his life and all this stuff, but it's not like he's going full contact with people on the baseball field. He's pitching... chill.

Major League Baseball will make sure everything is done right to keep these players safe, starting of course with no fans.  Then add in masks, tests, you can't go wrong.  The country needs baseball right now. We've waited long enough.

Hell, My 17 year old will be competing in Florida and Georgia in July... AND THAT'S HAPPENING. And guess what... he plays for free, and guess what, Perfect Game, the organization that runs these events is doing everything in their power to make it safe for these young players including having us parents stay away.

And College recruiters will now not be able to attend live... only watch live feeds.  If these kids can do it, Tony Clark can sack up and get these players back on the field.

Anyway... now that I'm done ranting, way to go David Cone for stepping up and being a leader in all of this! Love this guy!

By the way, book plug here for 2 of my favorite people, Coney and Jack Curry. Make sure you pick up FULL COUNT if you haven't already. A terrific read. You can get it on Amazon HERE.

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