I've been busy. I admit that. I've been way too busy lately to write anything truly motivational, inspirational or even happy or sad about my New York Yankees and life in general. When you have kids, people will tell you that it's busy, but no one truly knows what that means until you are in it. Well... I'm in it.
But today... today I'm taking a moment because of something that I found unbelievable... yet, in my own way, I did what I was raised to do, and so, in the end, I felt as though I was able to turn it around, even for only a moment. Yup... this doesn't have a lot to do with the New York Yankees, but more about life and respect of life in general.
Meet Joe.
Joe is a military veteran standing outside a Dunkin' Donuts. I met him on Saturday morning. As I pulled up and parked, I watched Joe as people as young as 17 and as old as 40 walked by him, patting their pockets and telling him they had no money on them or they'd "get him on the way out." Joe looked discouraged, but I can tell that military time served him well... still standing tall, as best he could. Still not being defeated, even though no one could help fill his tin and supporting the troops on Memorial Day weekend. My heart was broken, and as I walked toward him, I realized I was no better than any of them. I had no cash on me.
"What's your name, Sir", I shook his hand. Years of life had now shrunk this man, yet, when I looked into his eyes, I saw that strapping solider he once was.
"Joe", he said.
"Joe, here's the deal. I have to grab some munchkins for my little ones, and I only have a card. But when I get out, I will make sure I get you money for you and the troops. I promise." I winked at him.
"OK, thanks", he said. You could tell... he knew I wasn't coming back. He'd heard that one before.
I grabbed the munchkins, threw them on the dash of my car, shut the car door and I walked the street. I found a Deli about a half a mile up the road, walked in and got out cash. When I walked back... there was Joe... still there... still being ignored. Nothing had changed.
I walked back up to the man.
"Joe, this is for you. Thank you for your service, sir. Thank you for our freedom."
I put a twenty dollar bill in his bucket. The man was blown away.
Thank you. What's your name?" he said, shaking my hand sternly.
"Robert. Robert Casey," I said.
Thank you Robert. Thanks for coming back."
As I walked to my car I turned back.
Hey, Joe. You need a chair?"... it was the least I could do. This man, probably in his early 80's was in for a long day...no relief in sight.
No, no, I'm fine."
I pulled a lawn chair from my car, I leaned it against the building.
Tell you what... if you need it, it's right here. And when you're done with it, take it home," I said.
Joe winked. He winked like I winked 20 minutes before and he waved and as I got into my car. I gave him a honk, and went on my way.
Americans need to wake up. We have it too easy. We don't realize how wonderful it is to have to freedoms we do, and we should also always let our veterans and service men and women know that we appreciate them. That's what my parents taught me... that's what I'm telling my kids as well.
Michael Heiman/Getty Images |
Life is too short. I mean sure... there is so much we can talk about here on Bleeding Yankee Blue and it's fun to talk Yankees and share stories about being at the stadium and seeing
Jeter's 3000th hit and watching a
Judge diving catch or a
Holliday homer or no-hitter of whatever. And that's all good... because we're all fans. But life is so much more...
The relationships I have made over the past 10 years are so valuable to me. The ones I have with my BYB audience are incredible. I talk more to people, not just to talk, but to learn about them. I like the dialog because it helps me understand the other person better... what they are thinking, and liking in life. Their dislikes... what makes them happy... you know what I mean.
Like for instance, Joey Moses, that Australian Yankee fan and BYB fanatic... he and I talk nearly every day. He tweeted me this great picture above of him eating breakfast. Notice his phone... BYB with his morning chow. You can't beat that.
And yesterday he sends me this... a feature on MLB.com to customize you own shirts. How freaking cool is this?
As I look at notes from him, or from others who ask, "
Where are you?", I realize that life has really taken over... for not just me, but for many of my writers. We are evolving in our lives, but still trying our best to find the time to write for you, however difficult it may be some days. Because if anyone who writes knows... it's about flow, and passion and not about filling pages here. Yes, we want stories for you to read every day, but we also have to FEEL it because we know if we do that, you will see exactly how we feel about either the team or life or whatever we put out there.
Look at Suzie's Sunday feature today for instance...
BASEBALL REMAINS A NATIONAL PASTIIME ACROSS GENERATIONS for her, for many, baseball brings a family together. Even me with my oldest... going to baseball tournaments, coaching my little guys... it's a grind in life, but opportunity for them is massive, and as parents you need to help guide them to their passions. Growth is good in making solid, disciplined individuals.
I'm full of emotion today, clearly. But meeting Joe really opened my eyes. We need to be friendlier, folks. We need to stick together... grow together, love each other. We need to stop being so angry and ignoring, but instead, shake hands, look people in the eyes and smile more. Life's too short. Life has a lot of offer.
The New York Yankees are my favorite baseball team ever. That is why Bleeding Yankee Blue was created. But something happened to me as we are close to hitting our 7th birthday for Bleeding Yankee Blue. You guys, our readers are the one and only reason we exist and are so damn popular. Yes, our writers are wonderful, but if no one reads us... we're doing it for ourselves, and that's no fun.
Keep smiling out there. Keep having a dialog. Stay happy. Stop the hate and on this Memorial day weekend... thank a service man or woman for their service.
It's important to the evolution of what America is. Thanks for hearing me out.
Happy Sunday.
--Robert Casey BYB Chief, Managing Editor & Head WriterTwitter: