Sunday, December 23, 2012


I love holiday music! At any given time between Thanksgiving and New Years you can find me singing or humming a random holiday song. On the first day of Hanukah, I sang “Oh Hanukah” until my kids begged me to be quiet.

I also love parody holiday music. “The Twelve Pains of Christmas” is probably the most genius holiday song I have ever heard. Here, give it a listen. I’ll wait.

Hilarious, right? The lights guy is totally me. Every year I have to put up Christmas lights I wonder why I didn’t just buy a pre-lit tree. 

I decided to try my hand at this parody music stuff. Bare with me, it might get corny up in here. I present for your reading pleasure, It's the holiday season after all. The Twelve Days of Christmas, Yankee fan style.

On the twelfth day of Christmas a Yankee Fan wants to see...

12- Walk-off wins
11- Back in Left Field
10- Dollar Beers (or not! Those are expensive!)
9- Perfect innings
8- Games in the bleachers (preferably section 203)
7- Months of baseball

6- Stolen bases (Or more. I’d be happy with more.)
5- Starting pitchers
4- Fair Umpires (Mark Teixeira was SAFE!)

3- Strikes, you’re out
2- Season Tickets

And 1 more Championship win!

I warned you it might get corny! Anyway, I hope you and your families enjoy your holidays, whatever it may be you celebrate.

--Erica Morales, BYB Writer
Twitter: @e_morales1804

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