Thursday, December 13, 2012


...and I don't bet, but if I did, I think I'd be right. Not only that, I predict the Indians sign Nick Swisher soon.  Look, it's been weeks now and we keep hearing the same teams, the Red Sox, Indians, Phillies, all connected to Swish, but no movement.  But now with that big fat hole in the outfield for Cleveland after trading Shin-Soo Choo to the Reds, you have to think that they will sign Swisher.  It's almost obvious to any baseball fan.  But to be on the level, Jim Bowden of ESPN confirms in this Tweet HERE, that the Indians are in an "aggressive pursuit." 

Can you imagine Francona and Swisher in the same clubhouse? That's baseball, I'll tell you, and I can see the 2 of them becoming great friends.  Anyway, stay tuned for this...

On a side note, my friend Ron tweeted me this morning saying that I have to "respect" Kevin Youkilis and his decision to pick the Yankees 1 year deal over the Indians 2 year deal, not to mention Francona as their skipper over there in Cleveland. It seemed like it was stacked against the Yanks getting Youk, but we ended up getting him in the end.  Everyone expected Youk to go play for Tito again... I guess Youk figured he had a better chance in New York, or loved the rivalry, or who knows.  Ron's right though and I look forward to seeing Youk in pinstripes.

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