Tuesday, June 2, 2020


It's amazing how Luis Severino is still out. To me, it feels like 2 years since he had Tommy John Surgery. But it hasn't been that long.  Surgery was in February.  And Sevy? He won't be ready until the 2021 season anyway.  But that being said, he made sure he was giving an update on his recovery. I love this...

NJ.com writes:

"The two-time All-Star emailed the New York Post with an update on his rehab, and it’s clear Severino understands slow and steady wins the race. 

'I’ve been down in Tampa since the day after I had my surgery. I do arm bike, dumbbell exercises, and I just follow the routine that [trainers] Timmy [Lentych] and Alfonso [Malaguti] plan out for me. I spend an hour and half with them in the trainer’s room before I move into the gym, every day, five days a week,' Severino explained. 'Things have been progressing well. I’ve been making steady progress — lifting, doing exercises. Since three months ago — I think when I first had my surgery — I feel way better. I’m doing everything I need to do right now so that I can start throwing this summer.’"

Love this dude's work ethic and appreciate the update.  In 2021, he and Cole will really be major parts of the Yankees starting rotation, and it will be glorious.

A healthy Sevy is an amazing Sevy. Can't wait.

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