Thursday, December 6, 2012


If you read the social networks like I do, yesterday was vicious among Yankee fans. Frustration has settled in. Many different conversations, some not coherent, some ridiculous and others logical, but all angry. I'm in there too  Trust me, I am not singling anyone out. Bottom line, Yankeeland is in a tizzy. We see the holes on our club, we know what needs to be filled and most of all, we know that despite the lack of spending, the New York Yankees have some money to do it. Whether it's to sign someone for 3 years and $12 million or 1 year and $12 million... Believe me, they can do it. But it's more than that, I don't even think it's a matter of having 9 superstars in the lineup... Yankee fans just want players that believe in themselves.  Not following me? Keep reading...

So what's been happening? Why have we passed on a lot of these guys or have not "officially" put offers in? Well, if you're Shane Victorino and you want $39 million for 3 years, Boston's a nice place for you. Cashman was smart to not engage in that type of deal. It was stupid.  Someone like Dan Haren I would have rolled the dice on, especially for 1 year and $13 million. He believes in himself, despite the bad back, there is no question he could have been a nice addition. Look at  Jeff Keppinger who is very close to a 3 year deal worth $12 million? I'll tell you something... I'm not even sure I'd do that deal either if I'm Cashman. 3 year deals are tough. But look, I'm not 100% agreeing with Cashman either. I believe is you want a player badly enough, the pitch is easy, but somehow, we've missed the mark on some.

I mean, when Eric Chavez bolted for The Arizona Diamondbacks yesterday, it was disappointing, especially when I read from Ken Davidoff that the Yankees never really engaged Chavez on a contract, read HERE. That's strange, especially if you see what he did as a part time player for the past 2 years in New York. Chavez is no longer a superstar, but he's solid and he was a believer. He believed in himself after a long time trying to get back and he did in the Bronx.  Now, truth be told, Chavez was smart. He knew he needed to latch onto any club offering a contract quick or he may be out of work. I don't fault him, he did the right thing.

But where's Raul Ibanez? He told BYB in our interview with him (HERE) that he was excited about being a Yankee again saying "I can't wait to come back to the Yankees!" Seems positive enough! Again, Ibanez is not a superstar, but he's 40 and he's a believer. Yet... Nothing.  Nate Schierholtz was the guy the Yankees were in the lead for yesterday.  All day you could read about it, read HERE. Yet, Scheirholtz signed with the Cubs.  What about Ichiro Suzuki? A gold glover that gets on base... Seems like a no brainer to me.  How the hell are the Yankees not snatching him up yet? Age is irrelevant, Ichiro is still a smart player and he came to the Bronx last year because he believed he could still offer something to a club. Still, the Yankees haven't checked in officially. What the hell?

I keep thinking something better is on the way. I keep thinking that the Yankees have something big cooking and it will stare me in the face one morning when I log on. That's how the old Cashman used to operate. Cashman can't be this stagnant, can he?  There must be something big about to happen. Why? Because we're the Yankees and right now we look like we just got the balls stripped away from us. The Red Sox are out to prove that last year was a fluke, they are overspending, which is ridiculous, but they are spending. The Blue Jays are going to be competitive. The Rays are still decent and the Orioles want a rematch. Trust me, while we have good players already, we don't need additional superstars, we need solid players, we need believers to fill the holes... that's it, yet, we're behind on everyone. In other words, I'd like to know the Yanks at least made offers and lost out to some of these guys rather than read that we never tried at all. In the Bronx, winning matters, and that applies to the fans, the players, and it should apply to Yankee brass too.
Am I panicked? Hell no, but I'm surprised we haven't done 1 thing to improve our club this week. Look, if the Yankees want to hand the ball to Jayson Nix to play third base in 2013, tell us, I could get on board with that. I'm sure Nix can handle it, plus, it will be his time to shine and  the guy plays hard!  If they want Francisco Cervelli or Chris Stewart to be the top catcher in 2013, Tweet it and put Yankee fans at ease, because this smoke and mirrors bullshit will drive anyone to drink.
At the end of the day, we will survive, we're the Yankees, but I have a huge problem with my club when a bunch of us spend hundreds of dollars each season to watch a club of winners, and yet, we see no urgency trying to sign anyone "solid"... And again, I don't need 9 superstars, I need a solid, smart baseball player that's hungry to win, a believer! Last time I checked, even solid players can help a team win. Don't believe me? Asked the Baltimore Orioles about that. Bottom line, they fought the Yanks hard down the stretch... A bunch of nobodies who believed in themselves. I tip my cap.
So, yeah, If the Yankees are looking to wow us with a Josh Hamilton type, who needs him? I'm looking for a guy who plays as hard as he can for a $1 million, $2 million... $6 million dollar and 1 year contract. And why would he play hard for only $1 million?  Because he was signed to the Yanks, and he'd be wearing the pinstripes and will know the importance and tradition of it... That's why. Stick with believers Cashman... because they become winners in New York.  Because sitting on the sidelines only brings frustration...

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