Saturday, December 1, 2012


I need to be honest, if the Yankees blow an opportunity to re-sign Ichiro Suzuki, it won't only be disappointing, it will be an awful executive decision by Yankee brass.  Not only is Ichiro exactly what you need in right field if you're the New York Yankees, he's a team player, meaning, he wants to come back and he's most likely to come at a cheaper price tag than whatever else is out there.

For us here at Bleeding Yankee Blue, it all started with our poll this off-season and ya'll chose Ichiro as our right fielder.  Yup, that's right, sometimes the fans get it did. If you remember, Ichiro provided a lot for us down the stretch and including the postseason, the dude was huge. Read ICHIRO IS WHO BYB READERS WANT IN RIGHT FIELD if you need a refresher.
Then came the now famous Nippon Sports story that suggested the deal between Ichiro and the Yankees was done, and life was good.  Read that HERE.  Then BYB came right back at you later that day suggesting that we were in fact able to confirm that it wasn't the case.  Read JUMPING THE GUN ON THAT STUD, ICHIRO.

And now were here... today with a George King III New York Post (HERE) story that quotes Ichiro's agent as saying: "At the beginning we talked a lot but since that time, zero... As far as we are concerned we don’t care what the Yankees do. We have had conversations with multiple clubs. If we see something we like he will go through with it... There has been a lot of interest [from other teams] but he enjoyed playing for the Yankees so much it’s hard for him to say no to the Yankees... His preference is to stay there instead of going someplace else, but we’ll wait and see.’’

You can read this and suggest Tony Attanasio, Ichiro's agent is "threatening" the Yanks.  He's not, he's talking tough to get the deal done.  Trust me, Ichiro wants to come back, but Ichiro will get a job anywhere, he's valuable for any team, despite his age.  Cashman shouldn't shun Attanasio, he should call him and nail this down.
Luckily for us, Brian Cashman responded to Ichiro's agent (HERE) saying that the Ichiro camp knew the Yanks would concentrate on pitching first.  He went further saying "We've been very open and honest with everyone about the process we're going through and how we're going through it... We can control our line of communication and or decision-making. We certainly don't control anybody else's decision-making. I respect everyone's ability to make choices... Free agency is free choice. It seems like I'm saying that a lot lately." You are Cash, you have said it alot lately. That's because from the outside looking in, it seems like the Yankees are dragging their feet with "sure things." Clearly Attanasio sees it that way too.

It's my opinion that if we lose out on Ichiro, it's terrible.  But look, I have a sneaking suspicion that Brian Cashman is trying to work out a package to bring a power hitting right fielder to New York, and unfortunately I don't think Ichiro is in their plans.  That being said, this news story involving Ichiro's agent could in fact speed up the process. It could also piss-of Yankee Brass... we're just going to have to stay tuned for this one...

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