Monday, June 3, 2024


Graig Nettles, an iconic figure in New York Yankees history, has been noticeably absent from the team's Old Timers' Day since around 2017. This absence has puzzled many fans, especially given Nettles' significant contributions to the team during his tenure. In 2022, Nettles himself expressed his confusion, stating, "They stopped inviting me about five years ago and I don’t know why, really. I don't know if somebody – whoever is in charge, doesn't like me. I don't know."

This statement opens the door to speculation about why one of the Yankees' most celebrated players has not been welcomed back for this cherished tradition. Here are some potential reasons for his exclusion:

Nettles hinted at the possibility that someone in the Yankees' organization might hold a personal grudge against him. During his career and even afterward, Nettles was known for his outspoken personality and candid comments. Is it possible that his forthrightness may have rubbed some people the wrong way, leading to lingering personal conflicts? If an influential figure within the organization harbors negative feelings towards Nettles, it could explain his omission from the event. But is that it?

The leadership of sports franchises often changes, and with new management come new policies and preferences. But Hal's been around for a long time. The Yankees have seen various changes in their front office over the years, and it's conceivable that new decision-makers might not prioritize or even remember Nettles' contributions as previous leaders did. This could result in a simple oversight or a deliberate decision to focus on different aspects of the team's history.

Of course, there could also be personal reasons on Nettles' side that contribute to his absence. While Nettles himself has expressed a desire to attend, there might be underlying health or family issues that make his participation less feasible. However, given his public statements, this seems less likely compared to the other reasons. After all, the Yankees have invited plenty of former players that have been ill or much older and slower due to age.  I can't imagine this is it either.

Old Timers' Day is a celebration that evolves over time, often reflecting the changing demographics and interests of the fan base. The Yankees might be shifting their focus to more recent retirees who are more familiar to younger fans. This shift might inadvertently sideline older legends like Nettles, whose prime years were several decades ago.

The true reason for Graig Nettles' absence from Old Timers' Day remains unclear, and it could be a combination of the factors mentioned above. His contributions to the Yankees are undeniable, and his confusion and disappointment over the lack of an invitation are understandable. Whatever the reason, it's a reminder that the bonds between sports legends and their former teams can be complex and subject to the changing dynamics of personalities, leadership, and time.

Reinviting Nettles to Old Timers' Day would not only honor his legacy but also bridge any existing gaps, ensuring that the history and tradition of the Yankees are preserved and celebrated in their entirety. In short, the fans would love it.

--Alvin Izzo
BYB Yankee History Contributor

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