Wednesday, June 5, 2024


The story of Babe Ruth's piano is a fascinating blend of legend and local folklore centered around his time in Sudbury, Massachusetts. If you've never heard the story, you're going to love this.

According to various accounts and we are sourcing the New England Historical Society, the tale began when Babe Ruth rented a cottage near Willis Pond during his tenure with the Boston Red Sox in 1917 and 1918. One winter day, Ruth and some friends supposedly pushed a piano onto the frozen pond during a party, and as the ice melted, the piano sank to the bottom of the pond​.

The story persisted through the decades, with many local residents and enthusiasts attempting to locate the piano. In the 1950s, 60s, and 70s, various groups of boys claimed to have seen the piano in the pond. More serious searches were conducted in the early 2000s, using advanced equipment like sonar and magnetometers, but these efforts also failed to yield conclusive results​.

In an intriguing twist, a local named Charlie Barry came forward in 2010, recounting how he and his brother had discovered an old piano in the woods near Willis Pond in 1964. They used parts of it for a clubhouse and eventually threw what remained of the piano into the pond. In subsequent searches, divers did recover some pieces of wood and a piano leg, which were believed to be from the legendary piano and are now held by the Sudbury Historical Society​.  

These artifacts are kept in storage and serve as a tangible connection to the legend of Babe Ruth's piano​. There is no indication that any other museums, libraries, or private collectors own parts of the piano, making the Sudbury Historical Society the primary custodian of these historical remnants.

The story remains a captivating piece of local lore and a testament to Babe Ruth's larger-than-life persona.

Many wonder why Babe Ruth did it. Why put a piano on a frozen pond? The reason is largely tied to a festive and celebratory atmosphere rather than any specific purpose. A combination of enthusiasm, revelry, and perhaps some alcohol many believe. Whatever the case... it is interesting, and furthermore, the story appears to be true.  Crazy.

--Alvin Izzo
BYB Yankee History Contributor

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