Monday, June 6, 2022


Say what you want about Miguel Andujar's talents or opportunities he has been given here with the Yankees, he's had many opportunities. It hasn't worked out the way I had hoped for sure but he has deserved better this season. There is no other way to say this....the Yankees have screwed up and they need to OWN this.

So we've all seen the headlines by now but HERE it is again, Andujar is fed up with the Yankees and has asked them to trade him. It's not the first time he's made this request, and in the past I really didn't voice an opinion, but now I am.

I'll be straight and to the point with this.....I have no problem with this request at all. It is time for Andujar to start thinking about what is important to him and where he will be happiest. All players want to be on a winning team, and the Yankees have enjoyed a lot of success so far but they also want to PLAY regularly. At this point, that's all he wants and while we all remember him as the great prospect that had such potential time is no longer on his side.

At the end of the day, I can't ignore that he is 27 years old, playing for brief appearances in the majors and in his last year of arbitration. He's a guy on the 40-man roster that is used on a brief rotation basis that has made more of an impact than two other idiots who the Yankees have more money or years committed to.

It's hard for me not argue FOR Andujar's request. Do the Yankees have to honor it? Of course not, but Andujar has good reason for the request. He has done everything the Yankees have asked from him after coming back from an injury. They asked him to learn how to play the outfield.....and he did it. Is he the greatest outfielder? No, but I'd rather watch him in left field than Aaron Hicks and he's not going to be a guaranteed out like Joey Gallo is when he steps in the batters box. What grinds my gears even more is to think that we are stuck with Hicks for three more years thanks to Brian Cashman's TERRIBLE contract.

Andujar is a casualty only because the Yankees won't cut Gallo even though he's in a walk year and we have a long term deal with Hicks. There are other teams out there that Andujar COULD be an everyday player on. He could play everyday if he was a Tiger, National, Red, Diamondback or Oriole! 

One other important part I can't ignore and no one seems to be talking about....we have a new CBA that says players can only be optioned five times per season and after that, it requires outright assignment waivers to the Minor Leagues. It's the beginning of June and there's a lot of baseball left but Andujar has already been optioned three times. That's a concern.

I'm on Andujar's side on this one. The Yankees should follow what the Mets did. If they can cut Robinson Cano who they owed $40 million to through the 2023 season there is no reason they can't cut Gallo, but they won't make that move.

When merit is no longer the reason for why you stay or get sent down, it is time to demand a trade for a better opportunity. The Yankees screwed this up big time and I hope in the future Andujar gets the last laugh.

--Jeana Bellezza-Ochoa
BYB Senior Managing Editor
Twitter: @nyprincessj

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