Thursday, June 2, 2022


Look... enough is enough already! Who isn't tired of the Josh Donaldson and Tim Anderson drama? It happened; it can't be undone. It's time to move on already, but the Yankees are still talking about it and until they shut up this isn't going away.

We all know by now that Donaldson and Anderson both have a career filled with controversy. Anderson needs to grow a pair and live up to the identity he created for himself and not be a baby and Donaldson just needs to get back n the field, shut up and play ball. But what about Aaron Judge?

Look, I know it is inconceivable to even think that I could even criticize Judge....but I will. It's time for this to be squashed in private and not address it anymore, but he just has to keep stirring the pot, read more HERE. I don't care that he believes "joke or not, I don’t think it’s the right thing to do there," because I don't think giving this story more attention is the right thing to do here.

Baseball players have been getting under each others skin longer than any of us have been alive. Whether we like it or not, it happens. Judge knows it too, so why not just give a boring comment that doesn't add more life to this story? Enough already, its time to put this to an end and be the leader that doesn't continue to bring this story to life.

I don't care about Judge's opinion, even IF we happened to share the same viewpoint. Stop talking about it! This story needs to stop spinning and evolving, and if he continues to talk about he will continue to put it in the spotlight. This story should be over and done with and if Judge puts himself in the middle of it then we will never get to move past it.

I think Judge should've skipped over this issue so quickly and not add more fuel to the fire. He should've said that the team is only focused on playing good baseball and winning series. Instead he had to give us his opinion that completely distracts what really matters. He didn't have to give any sort of opinion at all, he could've been neutral....he could've put an end to the insanity. Now he has to BE part of this story.

It's time to squash this and just play baseball. This isn't what this team should be focused on and I am disappointed that Judge who is supposed to be a leader can't recognize that. What's done is done. Shut up, play ball and win games. He should know this by now....but he just proved he doesn't and that's disappointing.

--Jeana Bellezza-Ochoa
BYB Senior Managing Editor
Twitter: @nyprincessj

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