Tuesday, June 9, 2020


Those words come from Kyle Higashioka, back up catcher for the New York Yankees.  And it was like he was sitting in my yard with me last weekend and just stole my line, because he and I see it the same way.  What has happened to my America?

The New York Post allowed him to voice his frustrations in an article and here is a portion of it:

"I think we’re better than this as a country, and what happened to George Floyd was awful and very difficult to watch. I do know that my generation owes it to the world to make sure our kids and our grandkids are taught to never judge anyone by anything other than their character." 

And as far as baseball, Kyle said this:

"In terms of the negotiations between us and the owners, I don’t bring emotion into it. I don’t think the lack of progress is frustrating at all. To me, it’s just a simple matter of we haven’t yet found an agreement between both sides, so there’s obviously some work to be done."

Now for me, this second statement is a none answer. But clearly he doesn't want to cause waves and lose his back-up role or be blackballed by anyone. But I was really hoping for a harder stance when it came to the owners and baseball coming to an agreement.  Baseball will help the world feel better.  In the midst of COVID, the murder of George Floyd, baseball is the one thing that makes it all right again... somehow... over time.

Anyway... America right now? It frustrates me. I still can't believe we're still walking around in masks months later. We were not prepared, way too many people died and it almost seems our children are doomed.

The murder of Floyd just goes to show that racism is NOT dead and that's a fucking shame. We need to wake up, fast!

And baseball? Is it really about safety or is it about greed? What is it? And why can't they come to a decision.  Pathetic... all of it.

We need to do better... all of us.

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