Thursday, June 11, 2020


So there was an important update yesterday for baseball fans everywhere. We've all been wondering IF there will be a 2020 MLB season. We have all watched this ongoing feud between the owners and the players union that still hasn't been resolved. Well now we know that there WILL be a 2020 season....we just don't know exactly what that looks like.

It's good to hear that we will get to watch Gerrit Cole throw his first pitch as a Yankee this season, but it still makes me anxious because we don't have the details. However, the New York Post reported HERE that Manfred will make a final decision on the details.....if he has to.

"We’re going to play baseball in 2020. One-hundred percent, if it has to be under the March 26 agreement, if we get to that point in the calendar, so be it. But one way or 
the other, we're playing Major League Baseball."

Manfred also mentioned that the most recent proposal of an 89-game regular season made by the players association "is just not realistic" based on the calendar date and ongoing concerns with the Coronavirus pandemic. They are planning a counter response. I get that it does make sense. It's getting closer to the middle of June, and we still need to get a mini spring training camp going before the season starts. There are concerns of a second wave of this virus, so it would be wise to have the regular season end sooner so playoffs can start. Everything to be considered is in the interest of safety, and according to Manfred they are very close on medical protocols.

But what if the players union and owners can't come to a mutual decision? That's where Manfred can step in and make a unilateral decision....and that scares some people. Bob Nightengale reported HERE that if players and owners can't come to a mutual decision by next week, Manfred will force a shortened season of at least 50 games without the approval of the players union.

Nightengale cites that there are baseball executives fear that it there isn't an agreement soon, "this is going to be ugly and it's just going to get worse." It's already pretty bad, isn't it?

But these unnamed sources have a point. Maybe it does get worse. The current Collective Bargaining Agreement expires December 1, 2021 so the next 18 months could be filled with tension. Negotiation a new CBA after this fiasco could be even tougher, especially if the players don't get enough of what they want right now. I don't want to even think about that, but we may need to.

And what about the fans? If Manfred did mandate a 70 game season to try and compromise between what the players and owners proposed for this will fans react to this? There is plenty of blame to go around, but this constant bath and forth argument has been hard on fans. If Manfred steps in and forces a 2020 season without agreement from both owners and players how damaging would this be for baseball?

This fight has been ridiculous, it is a bad reflection on the sport. We all want baseball. Manfred may be able to flex his muscles and make the 2020 season happen, but he can't make fans happy about it. I guess we will have to wait and see if Manfred makes the final decision or not.

--Jeana Bellezza-Ochoa
BYB Managing Editor
Twitter: @nyprincessj 

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