Tuesday, June 16, 2020


If there was ever an example of new life and unity... it's baseball.  Think about where this country has been the since March?  We have been in our homes, trying to protect our families, wearing masks, hoarding toilet paper and making sure we don't get sick and die like the many people that I have known.  Yes... many died in the New York, New Jersey and Connecticut area. Hard times indeed.

It was scary, but thank goodness the weather got a little nicer and people were able to venture out. But let's not get it twisted, this was hard and it still IS hard and we as human beings look for something, ANYTHING to take our minds off of despair and sorrow and look forward to hope and joy instead.  We waited... and then, George Floyd was murdered.  And America exploded...

And it should have exploded. I mean, not the looting. That's just disgusting. That made no sense. But the protests? The marches? The chanting, the rallies? Bring it. Love it. You want to change the way things should work in America? You speak out.  It doesn't matter if you're with the cops or the black lives matter organization. Protests in America is what makes America great.  You have the right to speak out.  And it was tough for a good 2 weeks. Fires, death, beatings and a lot of chaos.

But what we also needed was normalcy. And so, many looked to baseball again, who appeared to be dragging their feet to get started. We were close...but then nothing happened.  Why?

Well... I have always believed that if you can solve a problem as a top guy, you can lead a group of individuals for the better. They will see that craft and follow you to help make something better, no matter what it is... ideas flow and leaders not only lead themselves, but they form a group of leaders that work for them. Together, they conquer the hardest of problems.

But Rob Manfred couldn't get it together and it was the perfect opportunity to reinvent his own pathetic job and image, and perhaps rally the country to come together.

Think about this... Baseball is a sport that brings in all races. Players wear numbers, the way a "team" should be identified.  And on 1 day, they all wear 1 number to remind us of equality and unity.

But for baseball all year, there are blacks, whites, Hispanics, Asians all playing together on a team and trying to beat the other team made up of the same races.

No one talks about minorities in baseball for that season. We all talk about winning as a team and how we as fans just want to see it played.  It was the perfect PSA for baseball served to Manfred on a silver platter. It would have been the perfect rally cry this nation needed... after all, for months we have been filled with sadness and separation.

The lack of baseball is the void in our lives.  The fact that rich people can get in a room and literally fight about money (and trust me, they are), while millions in America like you and me just want to see a game, eat a solid meal and be able to find a new job because they lost our last one during the COVID pandemic is sickening.

Baseball could have been our savior.

It could have been the one thing that would have taking darkness away from the hearts and minds of this country and brought a bright spot back to 2020.  Players could have been tested regularly... fans don't need to be there, we could watch on our TV. We would have been fine with that. But morons like Blake Snell made it about himself, probably started this shit show and Rob Manfred and the baseball owners just could have come out of this looking like champions for our America.

It was easy! But no. This group of high ranking executives COULDN'T GET IT DONE to help get us back on track for the better... because baseball is the one thing that BRINGS US ALL TOGETHER.

There's none of it.  Selfish men in suits sit in a room and squabble about money and their bottom line.  They have no problem taking away what we love the most if it means they will not go bankrupt or lose.  MLB and their owners should be ashamed of themselves.

I've come to the conclusion that there are no true leaders anymore. There are no men and women in this country that actually FIGHT for what's right anymore. They fight for what's right for themselves and their pocketbook.

It's sad... it's pathetic and it just helps push America into further darkness.

Yes... it's true... it's not MLB's job go save us.  But let's face it, even the most subtle sign of hope would have changed the entire dynamic of this country... and right now... that's all us regular Americans want.  A tilt, however so subtle... to say "Hey... we have your back, we see what's happened and we are here to help..."

Many will say to me, "Casey, it's not their job." True, but was it BYB's job to have masks made so First Responders at Direct Relief could be top grade medical masks? Was it David Price's job to pay the minor leaguers in the Dodgers organization money so they could eat after being cut or fired? Everyone needs to do their part when days are dark... and this one would have been a simple one for the MLB and Manfred. But no... he's a bad leader... they all are disgusting.

Now we will most likely fall deeper.

What has happened to my America? What has happened to Major League Baseball?

Real leaders are gone.  That cannot happen to the country I love... with the greatest sport in the world.  Or... is it?

Something to think about.

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