Sunday, December 16, 2012


Mike Kerwich of the Bergen Record has a piece out about Kevin Youkilis, our new Yankee, the full piece is HERE. In a nutshell, I love when new Yankees talk about their experiences in baseball and the excitement when they come to the Yankees and how the tradition of the whole thing gets them revved up.  We gave you guys a good piece when Ichiro spoke of it in ICHIRO HAS LOTS TO SAY ABOUT BEING A YANKEE. Well now Youkilis speaks out about it... check out what he said:

Youk on the fans and the rivalry: "You can’t control what people are going to think about you... All you can control is what you’re going to do in the game. Over the years, I’ve had a lot of Yankee fans come up to me and say, ‘Hey, I’m a huge Yankee fan, but I love the way you play the game.’ ”

Youk on his role & Alex Rodriguez: “I don’t know how that situation is going to play out and I’m not really worried about the future... We hope Alex gets back and healthy and can help this team win. I don’t know what the future holds. I’m just going to play and not worry about what’s going to happen later.”
Youk asked Johnny Damon about switching to the Yanks from the Sox: “He just said, ‘You’re going to love the experience, it’s a great place to play... He said, ‘Boston and New York are two of the best places to play.’ ”

Youk on New York: “We thought it would be an unbelievable experience to live in New York City for a year... And we also just thought that it’d be the best opportunity for myself, my family, to enjoy another World Series.”

Now... you can sit there and call Kevin Youkilis a jerk or evil or  whatever you'd like.  I call him a Yankee although, we all know he needs to "earn" it by contributing...I get that.  My point is though, he could have said anything, but to me, he sounds like he's committed to this thing called "Da Bronx" and I'm excited about this.  How about you?

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