Sunday, November 11, 2012


Today, when you see a veteran outside of a store collecting money for the veterans, or if you see them walking down the street, or maybe you'll see a current active duty soldier in uniform, think for a moment about what they have done for you and your family.  Maybe it's your dad or your mom or a grandfather or neighbor, be aware today and do this... walk up and shake their hand.  Say... "Thank you for your service."  If you feel weird, put that feeling aside for just moment. Why? Because it's not about you today, it's about those brave men and women who served this country to protect and serve so you can live free. 

Trust me when I tell you this, soldiers in this great nation have come home and don't get the respect they deserve.  People walk on by and don't think for a moment that even these soldiers need a shot in the arm from us. After all, they do the heavy lifting, and we walk around free. 

So, say thank you... it's a must.  Then again, it shouldn't be designated to just today...say it every day.

God Bless America.

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