Thursday, November 8, 2012


This is a small item but a good one. Melky Cabrera appeared to be a finalist in Major League Baseball Players Alumni "Heart and Hustle" Award, read HERE and HERE. According to the piece "On November 13, the MLB Players Alumni Association will hand out its annual "Heart and Hustle Award..." Ironically, the award is given to players who demonstrate "values, spirits and traditions of the game."  According to Hardball Talk, HERE, "As part of the voting process one player from each of the 30 teams is selected as a finalist 'based on the passion, desire, and work ethic demonstrated both on and off the field.'"   Weird right?  It seems like a contradiction or me at least it does and several others in the blog world.

How do you win an award like that if you are Hustling and showing "Heart" artificially? That's my question.  Let's not forget, Melky Cabrera was suspended for 50 games for having high levels of testosterone in his system. He was removed from the running of the NL batting title, at his own request, and then he didn't play in the World Series, even though he was eligible. Punishment enough? Not exactly. I think there's 1 more award that needs to also not be given to Melky, just because it makes no sense.
Now it's true, being a finalist and winning are 2 different things, but like I've stated so many times, Melky needed to be the whipping boy this season and after the season ended and the awards are distributed, his punishment is lifted and 2013 would be considered a clean slate.

Look at Bartolo Colon... He was suspended, took his lumps and once the season ended, the Oakland A's offered him a 1 year deal with incentives he needed to hit. I like that, he needs to earn his contract and after being nailed on PEDs, I think that's important. The same thing should apply to Melky, even though he has a clean slate now.  He's also in a free agent season so teams should do the same. Sure, offer the contract they think he's worth, but build in some incentives, it makes sense. Make him earn it and earn the respect of the team. Hell, do it for all these guys if warranted.

Look, this is more of a rant than anything else. I'm tired of the PEDs stories and the excuses and the blind eyes. Time to get real, that's all.

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