Monday, November 19, 2012


We've talked plenty about this Marlins-Jays Trade and now it has been apparently approved by Bug Selig today. Read about it HERE. Selig released a statement. I would him rather of had a press conference, this is a hot button issue. Here is his full statement:

"Since Tuesday, I have carefully reviewed the proposed transaction between the Miami Marlins and the Toronto Blue Jays. I asked our Baseball Operations Department and our Labor Relations Department to compare this proposed transaction with similar deals. I also consulted with experienced baseball operations executives to get their input regarding the talent involved in this transaction.

After a thorough examination of this information, it is my conclusion that this transaction, involving established Major Leaguers and highly regarded young players and prospects, represents the exercise of plausible baseball judgment on the part of both Clubs, does not violate any express rule of Major League Baseball and does not otherwise warrant the exercise of any of my powers to prevent its completion. It is, of course, up to the Clubs involved to make the case to their respective fans that this transaction makes sense and enhances the competitive position of each, now or in the future.

I am sensitive to the concerns of the fans of Miami regarding this trade, and I understand the reactions I have heard since Tuesday. Baseball is a social institution with important social responsibilities and I fully understand that the Miami community has done its part to put the Marlins into a position to succeed with beautiful new Marlins Park. Going forward, I will continue to monitor this situation with the expectation that the Marlins will take into account the sentiments of their fans, who deserve the best efforts and considered judgment of their Club. I have received assurances from the ownership of the Marlins that they share these beliefs and are fully committed to build a long-term winning team that their fans can be proud of."

I'm honestly shocked that he approved it after there was such an outrage among everyone, except the Toronto Blue Jays.  For the fans of Toronto, I get it, you are thrilled and you should be, you will be a true competitor in the American League East next year.  Congrats.

But yeah, Selig has done it again, he finalized the deal and now he gets to go home and not think about this. He can go home, put on his slippers and enjoy his Thanksgiving holiday.  It almost seems like the timing of this happened that way, doesn't it?

Look for more commentary from Bleeding Yankee Blue.  Look, we're a Yankee site, but we are a baseball site as well, and we'll have some thoughts, but I'm not going to harp on it, we need to move on.  Trust me though, I side with the Miami fans on this one. I feel like they got swindled.

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