
Thursday, October 31, 2013


For the first time in my life... I watched an opposing team celebrate on the field after winning the World Series.  I sit here annoyed, uncomfortable and irritated. The Red Sox won the World Series and I cannot believe what I'm seeing.  Now, I have to to tell you, the love fest with the media and the Red Sox is amped up and annoying!  I heard it in Joe Buck's voice the entire playoffs. I read the articles, like for instance,  USA Today, the same paper that published my story titled THE JETER EFFECT, write about some 97-year-old woman in Boston named Helen McGonagle who, the last time she saw the Red Sox win in Boston was when she was 2. 

                                                                                                                    (In Photo: Helen McGonagle)
Now, look at this poor woman and tell me that they aren't exploited her for the mere purpose of trying to advance their love fest with the Red Sox... it makes me angry.   I mean, winning away or home... does it really matter at this point? The Sox have won 3 times in 10 years... it doesn't matter if they win in Africa... they still win.

I think about the season, about last season and I'm just lost.  The Red Sox played for a guy last year they had no respect for.  Bobby Valentine, or, Uncle Rico and they stunk up the joint.  But when John Farrell showed up, they went from last to first and made things happen.  It's interesting actually.  Many of the guys the Yankees were looking at, the Red Sox were as well.  But the Sox made the moves and we went on the cheap.  That literally was the difference, not to mention the fact that the Sox love Farrell... it's good to be loved, ain't it?

The Sox had 2 guys in the heart of the "chicken and beer" scandal in Jon Lester and John Lackey... but that didn't matter to the media. They look like heroes in the media.  There were accusations of doctoring the baseball in the World Series by Lester, and obvious offense... but it was ignored. 

Vaseline anyone?

They had a guy who's been accused of using PEDs in David Ortiz.  He even showed up on a 2003 list that wasn't supposed to be made public, but was. Yet he's in the clear and hits well in this year's post-season and Alex Rodriguez is crucified!  I tweeted about it tonight:

The media loves the Red Sox, and the fact that Bud Selig is out there presenting the MVP award to Ortiz, yet, this is the same commissioner going after ARod for PEDs use is not only outrageous... it's a fire-able offense.  I mean, can anyone fire Bud Selig? There is clearly a double standard here.  If MLB was smart, they would have kept Selig in a cage until the celebration was over.  Trust me, BYB will be writing more about this outrageous situation... I just can't figure it out.

Now hand it to the Red Sox, they had a balanced club this season. They did good and yes, there's jealousy... I'm a Yankees fan.  You need to tip your cap as horrible as that sounds, that's good sportsmanship and for us Yankee fans, it's the right thing to do. The season's over.... that's all she wrote.  As John Sterling would say... that's baseball Susan... that's baseball.

For all you Yankee fans... think big.  Be bigger than the rest. Understand the importance of this victory. They did it for Boston. In a year of terrorism at the Boston Marathon, it was important for them and I got that.  I was torn because I understood what they were fighting for. I understood why the Sox were fighting so hard, because we were there in New York in 2001 after 9-11 and our Yankees did our best... but we fell short in the World Series.  When we did, we as Americans still rallied and we survived.  In a strange way, I wanted the same for Boston.  I wanted them to lose the series, but I wanted Boston Strong to live on.  Call me human... but call me a baseball fan... it's a difficult feeling to grasp... but I know as Yankee fans... you get it.

I have plenty of friends that are Red Sox fans. They will razz me big time tomorrow, just like I did when Aaron Boone crushed their dreams.  Again, that's baseball.  As fans of this great game, it's a give and take and right now, us Yankee fans are taking. Accept it, it's where we're at.

Tonight, I know what's happening.  Cashman's cell rang about an hour ago.  Hank was pissed and he told Brian exactly just how pissed he was.  Hal then called and told him that the Yankees "have work to do."  Hey Yankee fans, use this Red Sox victory as a way to motivate you.  I know the Yankees are.  We were humiliated.  We had a team the Steinbrenners rolled the dice on and they were buying time. They hoped their picks would work, but they didn't.  In 2013, we finished in 4th... to you and me, that unacceptable. For Yankee brass... well, they've been exposed and trust me when I tell you... the Yankees are about to go big. Big like they did in 2009.  Big... like as in "I will not be overshadowed by the Red Sox" Big.

Tip your cap to the Sox today, as much as you hate them, as much as you're jealous... tip it... that's baseball, that's respect. Respect for this great game. But know this... it starts all over in 2014... and I'll be in the front row with you... watching a brand new Yankees club...

Go Yankees.

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