
Thursday, October 31, 2013


In true Halloween spirit, we're talking about the scariest stuff in baseball.

Not zombies! Well, not technically. For the past few weeks, I have been writing about Alex Rodriguez, and all the legal hum going on around him. I have always said Bud Selig made this into a witch hunt against him. It's almost as if Selig, and the MLB thought that ARod would be an easy target because of his media history. People like to dislike ARod, so they publicly crucify him, get people on their side, and then they will see that Selig, and the MLB mean business. It is ARod, after all. He couldn't be that difficult to beat down.

Well, ARod had another idea. ARod decided that he has had enough of being everyone's favorite kicking post, and he decided to fight back. Andrew Marchand released a piece today (HERE) where ARod made a statement, and well, he swung for the fences with this one.

"I am deeply troubled by my team's investigative findings with respect to the MLB's conduct. How can the gross, ongoing misconduct of the MLB investigations division not be relevant to my suspension, when my suspension supposedly results directly from that division's work?"

Okay, ARod, I see where you are coming from. And he makes a valid point. A good amount of those 211 games stem from obstruction to the investigation. So why does his supposed obstruction result in suspension, and the MLB's not matter? But that isn't the end of the statement. Not by far.

"It is sad that Commissioner Selig once again is turning a blind eye, knowing that crimes are being committed under his regime. I have 100% faith in my legal team. To be sure, this fight is necessary to protect me, but it is also serves the interest of the next 18-year-old coming into the league, to be sure he doesn't step into the house of horrors that I am being forced to walk through."

It is clear that ARod is ready for a fight. This statement went right for the balls. He basically said everything that fans of baseball have been wondering for a very long time. Just yesterday the MVP award was handed to a known steroid user. And even before that there was Bonds, Sosa and a long list of others. So why is the MLB leading such a witch hunt against ARod? Why pretend to be heroes, when in reality, the MLB and Selig are a huge part of why this problem exist in the first place?

The legal proceedings against the MLB start on November 7th, but there is no telling how long they will last. The arbitration hearings resume once again on November 18th. These statements do not prove Arod's innocence or guilt, but they do prove that ARod will come out swinging. He is done being the scapegoat. And I honestly cannot say I blame him. Your move, Selig.

--Erica Morales BYB Senior Writer
Twitter: @e_morales1804

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