
Friday, December 7, 2012


I'm Team Posada.  I've said it here dozens of times.  I love the determination of Jorge. I love that he believed in himself and became one of the greatest Yankee catchers that ever played the game and I appreciate the family bond of the Posadas that many of us see from the outside looking in.  It's glorious and if you don't take those life lessons and incorporate them into your own life and family... maybe it's something to think about.  Shoot for the stars, work hard and enjoy life along the way.

Once Jorge retired, Yankeeland felt like we were missing something.  I always felt like Jorge Posada was Munson-like, but truth be told, when Brian Cashman was quoted as saying Russell Martin was, well, let's just say it bothered me.  Sure, I'm just a fan, but I remember reading it and thinking, "Cash has Jorge Posada behind the plate for years and Martin shows up and HE'S Munson-like? What the hell is Jorge, Butch Wynegar?" I always felt like it was just another obstacle Jorge had to break through, even though he broke through so much already in his Yankee career. Sure, call me protective.  I know, at that point, Jorge accomplished alot, he probably didn't give a crap, but I did, because Jorge was always the man.

So what's my point... determination, believing in yourself and loyalty.  I've been writing here for 2 plus years.  It's hard work.  I'll never complain about it because what we've done here is something the others haven't done... we set a goal and nail it.  We found the audience that wasn't being serviced and we enjoy your company every single day.  We're family.   So, when I wrote a piece about the overwhelming frustration over the Winter Meetings yesterday among Yankee fans in a piece titled WE DON'T NEED SUPERSTARS, WE NEED BELIEVERS,  I received this Tweet from Laura Posada:
Jokingly, I told her that I wished I spoke to her before I wrote my piece... I hate missing something when I'm in the heat of writing my thoughts.  She quickly followed up with...

Now I know you all know just how special you are to me and I love when anyone reads BYB.  It brings a smile to my face.  After all, this was supposed to be a rant site for Yankee fans, and let's just say, we classed it up a bit over the past year.  But Laura's Tweet hit me right... sometimes encouragement and praise is needed in one's life As a pick me up. While you can hear a "nice job" or "good work" once in a while, I'm not gonna lie, sometimes if I'm down in the dumps, or tired, or whatever... I get a boost and it makes me want more.  There's a spring in my step. You know what I mean? 

I'm not a selfish man, but I do know I've given alot of time to this site and yesterday it all came together.  I was touched and trust me, that Tweet from Laura was kind.

BYB writes about the connection between fans and players and that branches off to celebrities as well.  It's different in this day and age and when they take a moment to say "Hi", or take a picture with you or even Tweet you something like Laura did, or even Francisco Cervelli the other day (Read CERVELLI FEELS THE LOVE FROM BYB)... you need to stop and say thanks.  I'm not bigger today than I was yesterday because of it... but I feel good about myself and proud of what I do... just like you should when you accomplish a goal, just like Jorge did over his amazing career.

Just like I'm teaching my kids to do.  Dedication... Loyalty and the desire to win... Smart words from a smart, strong woman.... Thanks Laura.

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