
Friday, November 16, 2012


The Yankees would be fools to not ask about Giancarlo Stanton. A right fielder with power and youth on his side and an anger for his current team. Seems like a perfect recipe to me.

Stanton tweeted this HERE on November 13th. "OK, I'm pissed off. Plain and Simple."

That's very telling. He knows his team gave up and now he's stuck holding the bag with no good news in site, unless Bud Selig blocks the trade...then it just becomes awkward.  Look, it's my feeling that a player needs to know that his club wants to win. That's why a team like the Yankees thrives so well though tough times and great times...the players know the Yankee brass stacked their team with talent. The Tigers are another example.
What about the Angels loading up with Albert Pujols and CJ Wilson. The Marlins screwed the fans and screwed Stanton and if I'm Stanton, I want out.

I was mocked yesterday pretty good for even suggesting Stanton would be an option for the Yankees. Conveniently, the mainstream media has slowly followed suit. cam out with there "The Red Sox need to check in on Stanton" piece 4 hours after I posted.  Bleacher Report had their "Stanton would fix the Yankees" piece. Even Bryce Harper tried recruiting him to the Nationals, HERE. Yeah... But I'm the idiot for writing SNAGGING GIANCARLO STANTON WILL PROVE CASHMAN GENIUS. Actually, I'm not.  I'm ahead of the curve. You're Welcome. I don't take myself too seriously, but let's be honest, this was an obvious one.

Look, it makes perfect sense to check in on Stanton. "No" doesn't mean "No" when the Marlins are having a fire sale. What it means is, "No", but "Stanton doesn't like what we did in Miami, so make us an offer."

The Yankees can and must snag this guy from the Marlins. It's a smart move, it's the right move and bottom line, players want a chance to win. What the Marlins did last year was give Stanton and the city of Miami a chance to win.  They lost and then lost  patience too soon and they pissed off their top player in Stanton. You know what happens when that unfolds? That top player doesn't want to play for you, or, should I say, the Marlins.

So this is where we're at. Stanton is available despite the the Marlins are telling us. The Marlins don't give a crap about the taxpayers because they have what they have and to keep face, they are "holding" onto Stanton suggesting there is no chance of a trade. But there could be, I'm sure of it, because in the end, remember these words from Jeff Loria himself, "We finished in last place. Figure it out." That to me is the biggest F U ever to the city of Miami, because everyone knows that patience is part of baseball. No one knows that better than the Yankees. We get players, we lose and we come back the next year with a few additions and more hopes and more dreams. Many times we lose, but many times we also win too... that's because Yankee brass never does is give up on the team and the believe it or not, us fans.

And it's my estimation the Cashman will try somehow to get Stanton in pinstripes. Why? Because despite what many think about Cashman, know this...and write this down... He wants to win... He really does. Loria and the Marlins? Well, that's another story...

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