
Friday, November 16, 2012


So the Toronto Blue Jays are clearly on a mission to try and destroy every team in the American League East. I applaud them for doing what so many other teams have been doing for the past few years; bulking up their teams, and their payrolls to try and earn a championship.  I write this sarcastically because this is what I've been talking about all along. All sports teams should be trying to win and if spending needs to happen, then go with it!  The Yankees do it. The Angels and Tigers do it, the Rangers have...and the Red Sox have as well.  Your job as an owner is to provide your manager and the fans that pay for the player's salaries a chance to have a championship team. Players want good players on their club.  Get the best guys you can get to try and win, bottom line.  Sometimes you need to spend to do it. Guess what? The Blue Jays are spending.  I am not faulting them.  I'm asking though... will anyone call them out? Probably not. What if the Yankees did what the Blue Jays have done with their pending Blockbuster deal (HERE) and the signing of Melky too. They'd be called out...just sayin'

Melky Cabrera signed a 2 year deal today worth $16 million dollars. Read about it HERE. I'm happy for Melky. Like I stated in MELKY CABRERA'S "HEART & HUSTLE" AWARD NOD IS RIDICULOUS:   "Melky needed to be the whipping boy this season and after the season ended and the awards are distributed, his punishment is lifted and 2013 would be considered a clean slate."   I wish him the best.

The Blue Jays on the other hand, I do not.  In the end, it's business and if you're a Yankee fan, you like me are wondering if the Yanks will make a move.  Stay tuned... Bleeding Yankee Blue will have some stories about it over the weekend and we'll analyze the market and of course give you our opinion... maybe we'll even make you laugh... maybe.

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