
Sunday, November 11, 2012


“You think that you’re too cool for school, but I have a newsflash for you 
Walter Cronkite…you aren’t.”  
–Derek Zoolander

People piss me off.  You know, I have a “duty” here at BYB.  What started out as a gag between friends turned into a website for you to read over coffee, like right now. You laugh, you get some info, sometimes you even cry.  But I write because I enjoy writing. Sure,  I break chops when it comes to guys like Bobby Valentine and Peter Gammons, but truth be told, I never have wished ill on anyone. Bottom line, these guys found a niche that worked for them, they ran with it and became successful in the baseball world, good for them! They exemplify the American dream in their profession.  Now, you can have an opinion on them, like I have, but truth be told, they grabbed the reigns and never looked back. They’ve gained respect.

I have a little respect.  You guys have made Bleeding Yankee Blue relevant reading us every day, and you've  voiced an opinion about whether or not you agree or disagree with me or our writers on Twitter and in our comments section, but in the end, we’re family. Your opinions are clear, they’re smart and we love to interact with you. There’s never hate here and I refuse to post anything hate filled….most of the time you follow the rules.  If I get wind that someone has opinions that are offense, I remove them.  Free speech is fine, anger and threats aren’t.  

I was threatened a few times since this blog started and I find it to be utterly ridiculous, because if you read what I write about regularly, you know that everything I post usually brings you back to a life lesson.  I find baseball and life pretty parallel on many levels.  The point is, I’m not a hate filled person and never had been. We’re talking baseball here…people need to chill.

I guess what I’m trying to say is, don’t attack me without understand my goal and you know who you are.  I never wanted to sit here and write Bleeding Yankee Blue and make millions of dollars.  Hell, that would be nice, but that was never my intention.  My goal was to rant about a baseball team.  That is something so small in the grand scheme of things, it’s almost ridiculous that anyone is even asking me my opinions about anything, OR criticizing me for the way I handle my own baby…Bleeding Yankee Blue.  I have never taken myself too seriously, never….I do have opinions though, just like you.

Values are important to me. I wrote about that extensively in a post about my own mother, the strongest force in my life and always will be. It’s a heartfelt piece that expresses my real life opinions about life and what it all means... again, my opinion of course. Read WHY MOTHER'S DAY IS SPECIAL TO ME. Some how, I still find the parallels between life and baseball incredibly close.

So what the hell am I ranting about?  Be kind to each other.  Before you drop accusations and misinterpretation to attack me, get the facts.  Hey, I’m here and I try to answer all your emails. If you think I’m off track, just let me know, but make sure you check it all out before going after me. Going in blind just makes you look stupid in the end. I'm here for a conversation, not to fight and what I write is my opinion, and guess what, I'm open to your opinion too. Like I've said, we try to be interactive here at BYB, although, truth be told, life sometimes gets in the way….but isn’t that what I’ve been saying all along? Life is first. The point is, we’re here as an outlet…it started with just me, and developed into me and you.  Let’s treat each other fairly, respectfully….that makes the world go ‘round.

That’s my take anyway.

 Please comment, we have DISQUS, it's easier than ever. Let me know what you think and follow me on Twitter @BleednYankeeBlu and join the group Bleeding Yankee Blue on Facebook, just type it in.

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