
Monday, August 26, 2024


How lucky do you feel? Honestly, I am not. The Yankees are supposed to be this World Series favorite team and Aaron Judge and Juan Soto are the only players I feel really good about. Everyone else are just a bunch of pretenders.

One of the biggest pretenders of them all is Clay Holmes. I really wish the Yankees had upgraded at closer, and I am not talking about at the trade deadline. There were no good available closers at the deadline this year. I wanted the Yankees to make a move last winter read RUMOR: YANKEES MAY BE DONE WITH HOLMES AS A CLOSER. The Yankees were looking....but it's another move that Brian Cashman couldn't make but should've.

Holmes and his 10 blown saves are a concern. Yes, I like that he induces a lot of ground balls with soft contact but when he's off, he's off and he walks too many guys. I think he could be a bridge to the closer.....but he shouldn't be the closer on a contending team.

Now Aaron Boone is trying to make the best out of a bad situation, read more HERE. He should have a proven option, but he doesn't. He's trying to sell it though....I'm just not buying it "The reality is he’s throwing the ball really well," Boone said of Holmes. "We got a lot of guys I feel like that are throwing the ball really well in certain situations. But right now, Clay’s the guy."

"Look: We'll see as we go. We have a lot of really good options [as closer]," Boone said after a really embarrassing loss to the Tigers. The Yankees should be walking through teams like the Tigers easily....but they aren't. I wouldn't say the Yankees have "a lot of really good options as closer" but I will say this though, Jake Cousins is looking pretty good and is ready for a shot. If Holmes loses his closer status, Cousins could step in. I like what I see from Cousins. He pitches with confidence and has that fighter mentality that Holmes just doesn't have. He's got a confident swag on the mound.

I think Holmes as a closer in the postseason is a major weakness. We know the Yankees have plenty weaknesses, but a guy that blows 10 saves in the regular season should no longer get to keep the title of closer. 

--Jeana Bellezza-Ochoa
BYB Senior Managing Editor
Twitter: @nyprincessj

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