
Sunday, July 21, 2024


How many times are we going to go through this charade? It's the same thing over and over again.

We want to blame everyone for our inconsistency, but at the end of the day it's the New York Yankees front office that has been leading Yankee fans down this road of complacency and it starts with the manager who can't save this team to save his life. 

Could you imagine if we had a guy like Bruce Bochy at the helm?  Well, we will never have that in New York, because the Yankees front office likes a puppet there and Bochy would tell them to take a hike if he was given orders on how to manage his team.  And ultimately, that's the problem with the New York Yankees, isn't it?  Puppet managers who have to do what is expected of them to keep their job. And that's what I see when I see Aaron Boone.  

Talkin' Yanks had presented the stupidest stat the other night on Twitter. The win a few nights ago raised Boone's winning percentage to .600.  

Now, we're Bleeding Yankee Blue. We are fans first. We're literally the only blog out there that will speak our mind if the Yankees or players or the manager sucks.  Sure, some diehards are gonna be clouded by the fact that we're the Yankees and "true fans" don't cross the team and I'm here to tell you that mindset is bullshit.  

But I'm also here to tell you that no New York Yankee fan gives a flying fuck what Aaron Boone's winning percentage is. Why? Because the Yankees haven't won a championship since 2009.  And that is all that matters in the minds of Yankee fans, and it should be.  

Now Talkin Yanks are clearly pandering to the Yankees so they can have their ridiculous blowjob interview with Boone for their site, but that's not being a realist and true Yankee fan is. Speak truths, be honest... we suck.

I was at the stadium yesterday.  I'm looking around as the team is getting crucified by the Rays.  People are chit chatting, the signs of 27 WORLD CHAMPIONSHIPS and 2009 as the last time we won are just sitting there, now truly embarrassing.  No one's really paying attention.  There's bird shit now dripping down the once gorgeous images of the Yankee greats of the past as you walk down the grand hall.  We're not relevant anymore... we're sterile. We're running in place. 

Gone are the days of Yankee greatness. We're mediocre... we're spoiled fans living in the past.  We don't have clout.  As I looked around, I was embarrassed.  

Yesterday Nestor pitched lousy, he'll admit it, but the Yankee bats were horrible.  How many times do I need to say it... where is the leader that we need? You can complain all you want that players swing the bat, but everyone knew when they saw yesterday's line up yesterday that batting Austin Wells fourth was ridiculous. 

Everyone knew when they woke up that DJ LeMahieu was going to suck.  Why are we doing things that we know don't work?  I'm sick and tired of hearing about how "It's right there in front of us" and how "We're hitting balls hard." Those statements are facts.  Tell me a truth Aaron Boone you piece of garbage.

And did you hear what Boone said about Torres "smoking that ball for a double play".

What moron manager says that? You think Bruce Bochy would say that? Jim Leyland? Bob Melvin?  Boone is a tool! You're fooling nobody idiot! Shoutout to NYY Underground by the way... you just need to go harder on this dunce.  BYB is happy to do it, but more "fans" need to hammer this guy harder. Boone doesn't belong there... Cashman needs to feel the pressure... the Yankee front office needs to realize they will never win with this putz as their manager.

The Yankees as I know them are dead.  Yesterday's game was disappointing, but it wasn't the game that killed me yesterday. It was the manager's lack of urgency, the sterile feeling of the ballpark, the tired signage that makes it appear that we have clout when we're really hanging on to our last championship in 2009.  We're old, we're irrelevant and until our fans truly call for the end of this ridiculous manager... NOTHING WILL CHANGE.

Happy Sunday. Sorry this was the start to your morning, but I'm just keeping it real.

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