
Tuesday, July 23, 2024


You want to create friction in the clubhouse? Do what Aaron Boone does... coddle your players and never rip them when they suck.  That is what is going on right now and you all know it.  And the worst part? The worst part for Aaron Boone is now everyone is starting to take notice.  This loser's been exposed.  How do I know? Simple.

Now there are actual players calling out teammates for not pulling their weight.  When that happens, players get angry, resentful, annoyed. That's why you have managers... to right the ship.  But now what's happening is because Boone's not doing his job, others have to and it's all Boone's fault.  Here's Juan Soto:

Now he's not the only one.  David Wells gave a great example about Joe Torre back in the day. He said this on the Tierney / Licata podcast:

“In 1998, we lost three of the first four games of the year, and Joe Torre was pissed. He came in and laid it on the line,” Wells said. “That’s what you want a manager to do. He called everybody out. He called Jeter out, he called Bernie out…and this was the first 3-4 games of the season. Whatever Joe said, it resonated with everybody. We came together as a team.”

Wells doesn’t see that happening with the 2024 Yanks...“If we would get in slumps, we would talk about it, we would sit in the clubhouse after the game, we’d go out to dinner as a team…and we would talk about the game and how we can get better,” Wells said. “These guys don’t do it. They have their headphones on, they play video games, they watch film, film, and film.”

What's my point? Managers are supposed to be there to guide, to pick up, to call out guys when they suck.  Instead, Aaron Boone coddles, talks about how great they are, how they are "Right there" and they are "hitting balls hard" and "It's right in front of us."  That's to the media.  In private, clearly there is no one calling out players if Juan Soto has to go out there and publicly shame his teammates. To me... that's Soto doing Boone's job.  It also causes issues within the clubhouse and maybe this is the core of the problem.

I don't know why we continue to talk about how Aaron Boone is a bad manager for 4 years.  Oh, that's right, I do know why, because he sucks.  

The Yankee front office doesn't care about us fans and they sure as hell don't want a strong, opinionated manager in that seat, and that's why Aaron Boone is there.  The puppet lives another day.  Trust me, winning against the Rays 9-1 yesterday doesn't change the fact that this guy's a bum.  It's a damn shame.

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