
Friday, July 5, 2024


This is the panic the Yankee front office didn't want to happen. They thought when the Yankees were red hot out of the gate, last year would all be forgotten.  But it's the same team with the same useless manager and the same mentality.  Nothing has changed except for the great Juan Soto.  

When teams play well, teams feel off each other. When teams play terrible, losing is contagious.  It's just a fact of the human psyche.  It's very hard to play well when you are overthinking and worried and not lose.  It's easy to play well when everything is going well, cause you're just not thinking, you're playing.  It will break you down and eat you up if you're losing consistently.  What does it take to change that?  Well... you know where I stand.  It takes a good leader to rally the troops.  And so here we are with Aaron "Word Salad" Boone and the Tale of the Empty Vessel that can't Lead Players.  It ain't no children's book. It's a non-fiction biography real time about a manager that cannot manage when things are bad but thinks he's a great manager when the team can't lose.  I will say this again... write this down.

When teams are red hot, it is a team collectively that has found their rhythm and feed off each other because the right guys are in the right place to bring a team to victory.  The moment the losing streak comes, you need a strong leader to motivate, make hard choices and FIND ways to win to dig a team out of a hole.  The game is very phycological. You really need someone to guide you when things are rough.  And for the 50th time over the past 18 months I will tell you... THE YANKEES DO NOT HAVE THAT IN AARON BOONE.

And maybe some fans are getting it. Look at this guy. He's making a Fire Boone night at Yankee stadium.  HAHAHA.

It's not farfetched. Boone needs to go.

The sweep against the Reds was embarassing. But the team is not feeling good about themselves, this is true. 

The New York Post writes of yesterday:

"A day dedicated to booms gave way to significant boos in the ninth inning.

On an afternoon the Yankees allowed three home runs and were no-hit until there were two outs in the fourth inning, the loudest jeers were heard when the contest was just about over.

A many-hop single approached center fielder Trent Grisham, who waited for the slow roller to reach him, one-handed it and booted it.

Jeimer Candelario safely took second base because Grisham didn’t hustle.

On a July 4 when the Yankees didn’t hit or pitch well, that clinched the trifecta: Aaron Boone’s group is playing poorly in every way....

The Yankees (54-35) have lost 13 of 17 and haven’t won a series in three weeks, since taking three of four in Kansas City from June 10-13.

The list of problems is growing."

And when asked about it, this "leader" says "Not good".  That's Aaron Boone. Well, no shit Aaron, how about you help navigate?

The bottom line is Boone is not capable, he never holds players accountable, he's not experienced, and the Yankees are in 2nd place, 2 games out of first and the Red Sox breathing down their neck.  Feels like last year... That's because if you look at this roster, it pretty much is.

Someone needs to press the Yankee front office.  Blogs and media need to be honest with this Yankee fan base like I am.  Stop catering to the team and to Aaron Boone just so you can have him on as a guest.  Instead, make hay.  Be annoyed... especially if you're a Yankee fan.  Fans want the truth and fans want honesty.  Fans are fed up with mediocre. We deserve better.

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