
Tuesday, May 24, 2022


At this point we all know that Josh Donaldson was punished for his "disrespectful" words used toward Tim Anderson. These days it's about feelings, and Anderson "felt" like he was being attacked, so he blew up this story as to make himself feel insulated. According to several sources, but we'll use Yahoo Sports here.. they write:

"MLB has fined and suspended New York's Josh Donaldson one game for an incident on Saturday involving Chicago's Tim Anderson that ignited both the Yankees and White Sox benches to clear for a tussle near home plate."

Did we really need to go there? Probably not, but this is what we do now... "investigate".  How about this? How about if Tim Anderson had a real problem with it, he could have said "Yo dude, you don't know me. Don't do that. I don't like that. Don't call me that". Perhaps if he did, it would have been over. But whatever the case, he didn't speak up directly to Josh and instead blew this up like he was just racial attacked on the public streets of New York City or Chicago. I will say it again, Donaldson was annoying Anderson, sticking his finger in Tim's eye to get a rise out of him. Did he cross the line? Tim says yes,  and I say maybe yeah, but it's nothing that any other guy wouldn't have done and it's nothing that someone with tough skin couldn't handle. And now Donaldson was fined and suspended. Let's move on please. 

But we can't. Why? Because now Chicago White Sox coach Ethan Katz decides the punishment wasn't enough. Why? Because he has ZERO context about his own player, Tim Anderson. Brendan Kuty writes:

"Chicago pitching coach Ethan Katz wanted it to be longer than the one game ban MLB handled down — in addition to a fine of an undisclosed amount.

“Just one game,” Katz wrote. “We all saw his malice at third a week ago, then this comment with the ridiculous excuse that followed. What’s the point or message behind a 1 game suspension? This is incredibly disappointing and plain frustrating.”

Katz later deleted the tweet."

Hey Katz, worry about Anderson. The guy is a menace himself.  ESPN, April 2022... writes:

" Chicago White Sox shortstop Tim Anderson was suspended one game and fined an undisclosed amount by Major League Baseball on Friday for giving fans the middle finger during a game Wednesday in Cleveland.

"I have to apologize for my actions," Anderson said Friday. "There are a lot of people who really look up to me. I take full accountability of what I did. But it's something that I have to learn from and grow from."

How about this, Sports Chicago:

"Tim Anderson won’t take the field with the White Sox today when they open the season in Detroit. Instead, he’ll be in his hotel room, watching the game like any other fan, on TV.

Anderson is serving the first part of a two-game suspension on Friday, dating back to a benches-clearing melee with the Tigers last season. Amid the hoopla, Anderson made contact with an umpire, which led to the discipline from MLB."

How about 2019:

My point is when everything is in context, Tim Anderson is not a nice guy, his behavior is just as asinine as Josh Donaldsons. In fact, he's kind of an asshole and troublemaker and certainly NOT Jackie Robinson.  

Katz needs to shut up.  Donaldson is in the wrong, no question about it, and he received his suspension for going too far with his razzing, but this country has a bunch of people in it that aren't ever to blame, while blaming others.  Anderson deflected this past weekend... and he got away with it.  Ehtan Katz needs to recognize that and keep his stupid mouth shut.  His player is not innocent when it comes to "respecting" the game either.  

Maybe that's why Katz deleted his Tweet.

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