
Saturday, September 11, 2021



Aaron, you might be the worst manager in New York Yankee history. You make bad lineups, you rest better players too often and play the wrong guys all the time. And when it comes to the bullpen, you have managed to dismantle it, hurt it and put in guys that don't belong there.  You have ZERO urgency, are more concerned about how you look than how to win and are truly unqualified to lead any major league team.  Just because Ray Boone, Bob Boone and Bret Boone all played the game and were praised for years during their time doesn't make you a good manager. You're a Beta. You wanna be an Alpha. You wanna be part of that elite Boone liniage, but you just fall short, in the family tree... and in Yankee history. In short, you've fooled no one. You're awful.

Gary Sanchez should never play the field! I don't care how much money we're paying him. He has no grit. He can't catch, he can't block and he cannot call a game. 

You've managed to strip Andrew Heaney of any confidence he's ever had on the mound because you're trowing him into roles he's not accustomed to and not prepared for. If you want quality, you need to build this dude up because you've happened to ruin everyone else out there in the pen.

You can't rest guys like DJ LeMahieu and play Tyler Wade who's been hanging on to the Yankees for way, WAY too long. He's just not good.

What the hell are you doing?  We're supposed to win games, especially down the stretch, but your moves have jeapordized that.  You can come back at me and say "Hey, what about that 13 game winning streak?" I can say, I only care about the next game, and last time I checked... we're losing alot.

Hey Boone... You need to be gone when the season concludes. You have no command of respect... it's clear these players don't wanna play for you. You don't have that THING.  The thing that players look up to. You're a pal, not a leader and that's a major problem. We were supposed to beat the Mets last night, not look like them.  You are embarassing.

I have to tell you Boone, you're soft. Not only that, you know that you're protected by your friend Brian Cashman, but I have news for you... if this was the 80's, you'd be gone. The Yankees have fired people for less in previous decades. Your problem is you cannot command respect from these players and you continually make the wrong moves.  

Phil Nevin's an Alpha. Phil Nevin knows how to win. If I'm Phil Nevin right now, one of the only truly seasoned coaches on your staff, I'm finding a way to off you. The dude has the heart of a lion and wants to win! But he's looking around and he recognized that he's the most qualified on your inexperienced staff... and that includes you. I mean think about this... you have no true veteran except Nevin and Harkey and if you think for a second that these guys and you can come up with a solid, strong winning strategy, you are sadly mistaken.  

Hitting is a major problem these days for the Yankees and all Marcus Thames ever did was hit a few dramatic home runs for us when he was in pinstripes.

P.J. Pilittere? He's a career minor league player. What the hell does he know? Reggie Willits played as a part time player for the Angels for 6 years and he's a first base coach. Why? He's got some experience, find a better role.And this about Tanner Swanson's job. He's quality control and catching coordinator. QUALITY CONTROL!!! 

Did anyone see Gary Sanchez last night? There was ZERO quality and no control. WHAT ARE YOU AND YOUR STAFF DOING TO HELP BETTER THIS TEAM? Did you surround yourself with young bucks so you could look like a prophet or something? Cause you're failing.

My advice? Take a walk. Leave... don't do this gig anymore, you're bad at it. 

We need a manager who's more in tune with playing the best and winning than worrying about feelings and giving bad players chances.  If I see Joey Gallo in that damn lineup again I'm going to scream. He cannot hit a god damn thing. I said it before we got him, I'll say it again... he's not a hitter. He's what I call ONE FOR 15. That one he might hit a homer... or not, but that's about it. If he didn't play good defense he'd be in AAA. 

Work harder or leave, Boone. 

Be dedicated to winning and stop making stupid decisions and setting this team up for failure. You're the worst manager I have ever seen. Even if we make the playoffs, we have no drive to get to the finish. Hey... maybe that's a good thing... maybe then they'll fire you and that incredible inexperienced staff. 

My god!


  1. Totally agree with everything you stated. Alex Rodriguez also stated on ESPN live in a game that the Yankees shouldn't trade for Gallo. He strikes out too much. That the Yankees needed a contact hitter like Marte or Baez. Cashman and Boone are clueless.

  2. a aron is a fucking joke. fire Cashman. good article.

  3. I agree with everything ur saying but u left out Cashman. Hes the main culprit!


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