
Tuesday, June 2, 2020


I have so much love and respect for my fellow Americans walking with their fists high, sometimes arm and arm with police, sometimes chanting passionately as they stand for justice for a 46 year old man named George Floyd. He shouldn't have died. There was no reason for it. None.

But when something this sad and aggressive happens, especially now because there's video, the country goes crazy. And with good reason. A bad cop did a bad thing. A cop is supposed to protect and serve.  Officer Chauvin did not.  Instead, he kneeled on Floyd's neck for nine minutes. Today it was announced that Floyd's autopsy revealed a homicide as a result of being restrained.  The video shows it, there's no debate.

Now Chauvin's life is over. He's been fired, arrested, his wife left him... and yes, he will be charged.  The other 3 officers were fired as well and dare I say they should ALL be charged with murder.  Oh and the police chief that's supposed to be in charge? The guy who runs the police force in Minneapolis? It may not be popular to some, but last time I checked, when something goes down that's gruesome, you need to cut the head off the snake. And in this case, the Chief is the snake, and he needs to go too. Maybe not for his direct involvement, but just merely out of principal. He was the man in charge. Because the bottom line is this... you don't knee a dude's neck for 9 minutes as part of the training at the academy. That happened under his watch and no matter what, it's disgusting.

Now look, protests have been going on in this country for a long, long time, peace rallies, race protests... everything.  That's what makes America a great and important democracy.

You can speak your mind. You can march, hold up signs, yell at the man, chant as loud as you want. We allow it because this is America.  But when something like the death of George Floyd happens, immediately a race debate begins and hatred flares up.  I understand. Whenever there is tragedy, our human instinct is to blame someone. Maybe not the person who did it directly, but instead the guy in front of you with the shade of the person who did it.

But before we start to pit whites against blacks and blacks against whites, one thing needs to be understood...

No one, and I mean NO ONE with intelligence and common sense can ever, EVER think that the murder of George Floyd was good. It was horrendous and awful. In other words, me, being a white man can comprehend why it's important to have an organized protest so there's justice for Mr. Floyd's family. In fact, millions of white people do.

But this is what is ironic and almost wonderful about this America that I know and love. While history will have whites and blacks drifting apart after a tragedy like this... I'm noticing something quite the opposite.

We're coming together... and we're coming together in a big way. Seeing what these disgusting anarchists are trying to do to not only this important protest, but to the country as well, has really opened all of our eyes collectively, hasn't it?

So, while the first night's protests ended up with an infiltration and wilding of stupid teenage kids breaking windows and stealing Louis Vuitton bags out of the showroom window... something also started to happen.  Blacks and whites began bonding and sticking together. We're helping the cops weed out the trash. We're becoming unified.

I see police officers hugging protestors. I see marches with whites and blacks standing arm and arm continuing to find justice for George Floyd. I see whites and blacks fighting back against these disgusting, idiotic anarchist turds.

If anything, the destruction, fear and chaos these anarchists are trying to ensue is only bringing us all closer. Why? Well, because of a few things.

For one, the terrible atrocities of America's history are just that, history. Many American's today like me WANT change for the better. We don't want to be divided, we don't want to oppress anyone. We want unity.

And secondly, common sense knows that anarchy will only further cripple this country that has already lost 105,000 people to Coronavirus and found 3 million Americans out of work. And so, for those assholes, their timing is bad. And us black and white Americans? We just came off a 2 month country quarantine. We don't need it.   Coronavirus didn't discriminate and so we won't either. In other words, we're in this together and if that means bonding over anarchist kids, so be it. Sign me up.

These filthy anarchists, these animals are now in a situation where they have pissed off EVERYBODY.  Together we will fight back, be it knocking them out on the street, or continuing to stand tall with each other, blacks... whites, to build a better America moving forward.

Now look... I don't ever talk about race or politics... like... ever. But over the last few days, I saw a black man die and a bunch of loser teenagers who want to pop old ladies and steal their handbags while they light fires and in the middle of the street. And then... then I saw acts of kindness between both races. I was touched. I want it to continue... I know many of you do. And look, after this... America won't be perfect, but I do truly believe that America will be stronger. I think we can learn from this. We want the same things, I really believe that.

I could not sit quietly here on Bleeding Yankee Blue while my country is being destroyed. But one thing I can do is tell you all that I love my fellow neighbor, no matter what color he or she is, because for me, it's about humanity, not race. It's about love, not hate... it's about justice, not anarchy.  That's the way I was raised.

We got this… together.

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