
Wednesday, June 17, 2020


The death knell is tolling for baseball. Could that be true? Well, according to Yankees president, Randy Levine, not yet. Levine is trying to get the pulse going again by breathing some life back into America's pastime 2020.

Source: NY Post

"Everyone here wants to get down to business as soon as possible and play games. From what I’ve discovered, the holdup is not about the number of games or money at this time," Levine said Tuesday, according to the Associated Press. "The commissioner has the right under the March agreement to schedule the games as long as the players are paid 100% prorated. The holdup, as I understand it, is about resolving the other items in the March 26 agreement," reported the Daily News on Tuesday evening.

I appreciate Levine calling the player's union to discuss safety concerns but honestly, calling the players patriots is just overkill.

"We all recognize that the players are the heart and soul of the game. I’ve called them patriots in the past and I believe that today," said Levine as reported by the News. That is a stretch.

Look this comes down to greed. As much as I appreciate Levine who represents our Yankees calling the commissioner everyday and trying to appease the player's union, this is about money.  It is frustrating.  What happened to for the love of the game? What happened to playing because it feels good? What happened to America's pastime?

Source: CBS Sports

Unfortunately, it appears that the sound of the death knell is tolling for the 2020 season.  Call it and put us out of misery.  It is hard to remain hopeful when two sides just can't agree. I wish I could spin this some other way, but it appears that the writing is on the wall.

--Suzie Pinstripe
BYB Managing Editor
Twitter: @suzieprof

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