
Saturday, June 13, 2020


Alex Cora is kind of a loser these days... disgraced, as is AJ Hinch and Carlos Beltran. In fact, the dumbest thing he could have done right now in the midst of George Floyd protests and COVID-19 is come out and remind us all about the Astros Cheating Scandal.  But, he did and that's on him.

He is coming out to defend himself. Well... don't worry Cora the Clown, we already know that the entire Astros organization was involved in some capacity, no matter how large or how small, we know it was an elaborate scheme and technological operation to steal signs and eventually win the entire World Series because of it.

Here's what Cora said, brought to us by SNY:

"Cora recently spoke with ESPN's Marly Rivera, and while he took the blame for his role, he disputed the notion that it was just a "two-man show." 

'There has been a narrative out there of what happened. Ever since mid-November until the commissioner announced the results of the Red Sox investigation, I have read many things that are true and many others that are not... Out of this whole process, if there is one thing that I completely reject and disagree with is people within the Astros' organization singling me out, particularly [former general manager] Jeff Luhnow, as if I were the sole mastermind. 

The commissioner's report sort of explained, in its own way, what happened. But the [Astros players] have spoken up and refuted any allegations that I was solely responsible.... 

If there is one thing I am absolutely sure of, it is that it was not a two-man show. We all did it. And let me be very clear that I am not denying my responsibility, because we were all responsible... Right now, all I care about is my personal life and my family. This has not been an easy time for us, and it's my fault... Do I want to return to the game? Absolutely. That's why I worked so hard for so many years before being named Red Sox manager. But right now, all of that is secondary. My focus is on much more important things... 

I understand why people think that our championship is not valid, and it's our fault that they think that. I am being honest and I apologize for what happened and for the mistakes we made as a group... I understand why people are disappointed. I am disappointed in myself. At the time, one doesn't think about the consequences. It was something that kept growing and growing, and in the end, it was wrong. We made a mistake and I must pay for the consequences of my actions."

This doesn't make Cora fall into a better light for me. The dude got caught, the dude is out of a job... he's squirming and so he's ratting everyone out, like we already know and suspect. And the other thing to keep in mind is, this was not a mistake.

It was a planned out strategic operation. A mistake is something you may do and not even realize it. This isn't that... and because of that, once star players like Jose Altuve and Alex Bregman, are just losers now and can go to hell.  They all make me sick.

Look, cheating in baseball does happen. We all know this. The Yankees had been fined for it, the Red Sox have. But personally for me... here's something that I have always felt about a scandal like this... you cheat and win the whole damn thing? Well... you didn't actually win, you cheated and MLB was right to fall down on the Astros. They should have fell on them harder however. Then of course is the other side of cheating baseball...  You cheat because you figure out pitching sequence at second base and relayed that to your teammates and you win some and you lose some? That's just good ol' fashion baseball.

The point is Cora and the Astros knew exactly what they were doing and they got help even though they were talented enough to win the whole thing without it.

It's sad... it's pathetic... and trust me... we will NEVER forget how despicable you all are in the Houston Astros organization... you cheated your fans and you cheated baseball fans.

And I leave you with this... the smugness of ridiculous Jon Heyman...

If Cora comes back to the game after this... he's gonna have a hell of a time fitting in. I mean, how can he be trusted?

Look at Heyman's avatar... I just want to punch it in it's cartoon face.

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