
Monday, March 30, 2020


Just because the Coronavirus pandemic has taken baseball away from us does not mean we have forgotten about the dirty ASSTROS and their cheating ways. This virus was the best case scenario for the pathetic ASSTROS because they had a brief break from the negative attention. I said HAD because Josh Reddick just had to go make an ASS out of himself on twitter so congrats dude, you get the spotlight back ya idiot.

It started out with just a simple observation in today's reality where we are all supposed to be practicing social distancing. We all still have to go to the grocery store. Some of us may still be searching for that toilet paper after all.

Which he then tweeted again to try and diffuse the situation as people were heckling him on twitter:

But then when he realized that he couldn't stop the people from heckling he decided why not just add gasoline to the fire. Forget about walking away and just leaving it alone, let's just piss people off.

So naturally, after that you can probably guess how people responded. This is just ONE example from a very long thread.

Reddick was incredibly stupid here for a few reasons. First, when does Walmart staff a large number of cashiers at any given time....pandemic or not? Even during the holidays, I saw maybe four cashiers at any given time. Self checkout has taken over the world.

Second, did he ever consider that during hard times like this maybe instead of trying to make a joke out of Walmart right now you should consider THANKING the cashier that finally checked out all of your groceries so you could continue to feed your family during this challenging time? Maybe...just MAYBE the cashier who processed your order was putting his or herself in even GREATER risk than you everyday because they DO go to work and interact with countless people during their shift?

They don't have the luxury of social distance right now. They are at greater risk of getting sick everyday! They helped sell you the food to help put on your family dinner table everyday. NO....Josh Reddick doesn't think about that because he has ZERO integrity and was just an insensitive jerk at the time of his childish Twitter temper tantrum.

So congrats dick, not only are you a hypocrite to your kids because you cheated your way to get that ring you flash all over social media. You are such a great role model for your kids, huh? Lets just add to it.... now you have shown that you only care about yourself. Everyone else be damned.

He's a jerk. Plain and simple. Before the Coronavirus he and his cheating buddies were front page news. He had a brief recess, but I've got news for you... you will still be front page news after this goes away and baseball finally comes back. You don't get off from this so easily.

So stay safe out there everyone and be well. And when you do have to go out to the grocery store don't be like Josh. We all have to stick together in times like this. Help someone out when you can....and again don't be like Jerk! 

--Jeana Bellezza-Ochoa
BYB Managing Editor
Twitter: @nyprincessj 

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