
Saturday, September 23, 2017


Osentoski-USA TODAY Sports
Business is business, but when it comes to building a franchise, and loyalty, and marketing and all of that, especially when it comes to a baseball team and getting butts in the seats and buying merchandise and seeing games, there are certain things you keep in place to make it more appealing to the fan.  I'm not gonna lie, I'm not feeling Mr. Jeter right about now... especially if this latest report is true.

ESPN reports the following:

Photo: Getty Images
"According to the Friday report, Jeter, who stands to be in charge of the business and baseball operations of the Marlins when the sale of the team is finalized, asked David Samson to dismiss Hall of Famers Andre Dawson and Tony Perez, as well as Jeff Conine, the former outfielder known as 'Mr. Marlin,' and 2003 World Series-winning manager Jack McKeon.

Jeter, after first telling Samson he wouldn't be retained -- which was already presumed -- then asked him to inform the four of the moves, because Jeter didn't want to do it, the Herald reported."

Jesus... kind of spineless.

Now look...  Marlins fans should be outraged.  Conine IS the Marlins.  That's like someone coming into Yankee stadium as a new owner and telling Jeter he needed to be dismissed, if Jeet was a Yankee employee. Jack McKeon? If that guy died, I'd have him stuffed and placed at the entrance of Marlins Park. 

He's iconic down there.  Dawson and Perez are Hall of Famers, regardless of if they were Marlins during their playing days or not. 

There's something called respect in this game, and that's the irony here.  Remember RE2PECT?  Have we forgotten? What the hell is Jeter doing?

I'm pretty disappointed in this guy.  I mean, he's a Yankee icon, a great player but since that meeting he had with my son, he's on my bad side... and I have news for you, this latest report about the Marlins employees being fired is unreal to me.

Hey, maybe I'm being oversensitive and sure, I expect to get crap for this story from my readers and I get that, but this is BYB.  We offer honest opinion here... it's what we were built on and you may not want to hear it, but Lord knows if we think something doesn't smell right, we will being it to you, whether they are Yankee greats or not.

What's right is right, and this is wrong, Jeet.  Get it together.


  1. Jeter should remove anyone in the Marlins franchise that won that World Series in 03 if you dig what I'm saying. This is Jeters team and his move to fire those employees is his right


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