
Wednesday, May 31, 2017


It's been a while since I've written a post for BYB. 

I guess I'm still very much a rookie when it comes to fatherhood...but I'm putting the ball in play and learning from the veterans.  I have had more than a few meetings on the mound with Casey about being a Dad.  The Skipper here at Bleeding Yankee Blue isn't only a good buddy, he is also a one of the wise veteran Dads I was referring to.  He has had a lot of helpful tips for me since my son was born, but the one I remember most was, "Enjoy the moments, man."  It's a seemingly simple piece of advice, but worth it's weight in gold.

My little guy is one...or 19 month if you're into the whole months thing.  I myself am too many months to remember. 

This past weekend we took him to the Big Ballpark in the Bronx for the second time in his life.  The first was Old Timer's Day last season, and although it was great, this year was better.  Mikey now sees the Yankee logo and immediately says, "Beh ball".  He claps when he hears, "Let's Go YANK EES!"  Sure, I've influenced this behavior a bit, but it's still wonderful to see.

My Mom and Dad came with my wife and I to see the Bombers host the Oakland A's.  It was one of those moments Casey told me to enjoy.  I sat with my son next to my Dad and just took it all in.  Baseball is truly the best of things.  I've said it before and I'll continue to say it.  The game really does make us stop and look around.  It shows us where we are and how far we've come.  We experience moments that last a lifetime.  This past Sunday was no different. 

My son got to see Aaron Judge club his first-ever Grand Slam.  Now, we'll he remember it?  I don't know, but what I'll remember was my one year old son sitting in my lap, decked out in his pinstripe jersey (courtesy of Steve Roche at Majestic), clapping and laughing as Judge made the Stadium "All Rise". 

It was outstanding.  I shared a pretzel with Mikey and took a walk down memory lane with my Dad.  Of all the Yankee games I've been to in my life this one was my favorite.  I was with my Dad watching my son's New York Yankees.  It was a new ballpark then the one my Dad and I watched games in, but the feeling was the same.

Photo: New York Daily News
I bought Mikey an Aaron Judge shirt that fits him like a hockey sweater, but it's perfect.  He was so happy when I put it on him.  Will Aaron become an All-time great?  I hope so, but even if that's not the path he takes he will be forever an All-time great to me, my Dad and my son.

Oh not so humble brag...we got to our seats 45 minutes before the first pitch and my 1 year old made it all the way to hear Mr. Sinatra sing "New York, New York".  Not too bad.

** I always play a song at the end of my posts.  This is my son's favorite song...not sure why, but I dig it too.  Thanks of the dinger Aaron! **

--Mike O'Hara
BYB Contributor
Follow me on Twitter: @mikeyoh21

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