
Sunday, February 19, 2017


I try to make sure my BYB family knows how important my writers are to me.  Today is a very important day, and I want you all to pay attention. 

Jeana Bellezza is having a birthday!

Jeana is a BYB Managing Editor and literally worked her way up the ranks of this website at first just assisting me with editing other people's work here. But she was restless, and so she asked for a shot to write. Now many people have asked to write here, but when they are given the gig, they are hot and heavy early on, but then pitter out when they realize how much work is needed to get the job done.  

That being said, I saw Jeana's spunk and I gave her a shot.  While in the beginning she was feeling her way through writing, she has found her passion and can literally write anything for not only Bleeding Yankee Blue, but for any major publication on this planet. She is a match against any top writer.  She is thorough, detailed, funny and never lets me down... ever.

No... I'm not trying to push her off on another company.  That would not be foolish.  Jeana is a managing editor of Bleeding Yankee Blue and with good reason, she's the best!  She and fellow writer Suzie Pinstripe work their tails off and have for a very long time here.  These 2 women... 2 of the originals as I like to call them are incredible people. 

As my life gets busier and harder with my duties to my family and job, I am never worried about BYB failing, because I have 2 of the greatest people on my writing staff. 

But this isn't about Jeana Bellezza and her resume.  This is about Jeana Bellezza, the person.  I am damn proud to know her and her family and I feel the passion in her work every day I read it. She is the best! 

Today is Jeana's birthday.  It doesn't matter if you live near her or across the country... when you read her, her words are equal to any top writer out there and when you dive in, you know what she writes is important.  And so, I salute one of my favorites, not just in BYB, but in life.

A Happy, Happy Birthday to my friend and fellow fox hole buddy, Jeana Bellezza!

You're in a great place, kid.  You've come a long way.  I couldn't prouder to know ya!

Thanks for all your hard work, and even writing on your birthday. 

I hope you're spoiled!

--Robert Casey
BYB Chief, Managing Editor & Head Writer
Twitter: @BleednYankeeBlu

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