
Saturday, July 30, 2016


Here is an event we wanted to share with you. This coming Monday night, August 1, the Staten Island Yankees will be holding a charity event to help raise money for the fight against pediatric cancer. After the game, several players and members of the SI Yankees front office will have their heads shaved. It will be great chance to come out, support an important cause, and make a difference.

You can support the cause by going to the team's fundraising pageThe Staten Island Yankees are doing this in partnership with the Vs. Cancer Foundation, whose mission is "a non-profit organization dedicated to saving kids’ lives by empowering athletes and communities to fund lifesaving childhood cancer efforts." They are running a campaign with MiLB this year and are encouraging all minor league teams to participate. Half of the money raised from Monday's event will go to national cancer research to help find a cure. The other half will go to the local pediatric ward at SIUH Northwell Health. 

Pediatric cancer is a serious issue. The National Cancer Society estimates that there are about 10,000 news cases of cancer in children in the United States each year. Despite advances in research which have lowered mortality rates, one thousand children are expected to die from some form of cancer. Then there is the burden and difficulties of treatment, therapy, and recovery for the survivors. I have a friend myself whose son has been battling cancer for the last couple of years, As I see the pictures on social media that she posts, I can get an appreciation for how difficult the road is.

Every little bit helps. I hope you come out and that you share this with your friends who are able to come out and donate. I will be there myself, happily supporting the cause. Who knows - maybe I'll volunteer to shave my head. I haven't gotten my wife's permission yet, but you never know!

--Ike Dimitriadis, BYB Senior Staff Writer
Follow me on Twitter@KingAgamemnon

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