
Monday, September 1, 2014


One of my favorite movies, and don't jump on my for saying it, is My Cousin Vinny for one reason only:  It makes me laugh.  The one-liners find themselves in conversations across the New York/New Jersey area in particular and Joe Pesci's 3-piece burgundy suit made the list of "The 10 greatest men's movie fashion moments" in The Guardian's column this week. "Anyone who doesn't take pleasure in seeing Joe Pesci in a burgundy velvet three-piece suit is a person who possesses neither soul nor eyes," states the article.

So what does this mean for the Yankees?  It is pretty simple.  As I review the endless blog posts, tweets, newspaper headlines and Facebook rants regarding the 2014 Yankees' season, it boils down to one quote from the 1992 iconic movie- "Win some, lose some."  Yes, that's what the judge said to New Yorker lawyer Vinny as he scurried out of the court room following his winning moment in the last scene of the movie.  And that is our season folks.

As we scurry out of August into September and the final days of the 2014 season, it is clear that Yankees' time is up.  As my colleagues write posts like YANKEE MANAGEMENT IS THE NEW DEFINITION OF INSANITY  & CRAPTACULAR, I am left with no choice but to concur and add the Win Some-Lose Some quote.  Am I upset? No.  Am I surprised? Sort of.  Am I giving up? Hard to say.  I have been with the Yankees, as have all of you, for a long time.  I don't give up, but I do look forward.  It's like a nagging injury to your leg, or a headache that won't go away- you know it is there but you move ahead.  I guess that's where I am- I am in the move ahead mode.  Move ahead to September, move ahead to the off season, move ahead to spring training, move ahead to a new hitting coach, pitching coach, general management... new protocol, new team, new life.

The New York Football Giants have 23 new players on their 53 man roster this year.  The University of Notre Dame unveiled its brand new turf field at its season opener this weekend.  And the New York Yankees had better do something to rival these two traditional teams' new additions in the off season if they are going to contend next year.  The Win Some-Lose Some kinda season for 2014 is just about in the books- now it's time to create a plan for the Win Some-Win Some season for 2015.

--Suzie Pinstripe, BYB Senior Staff Writer
Twitter: @suzieprof


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