
Saturday, November 30, 2013


Well, who would have thought there would be so many new Red Sox fans out there?  Me, that’s who.

I literally got back from Disney a few days before Thanksgiving.  It was a quick trip and I had a chance to go to the theme parks The Disney folks are amazing.  Always smiling, always willing to help out a visitor.  It’s a Magical place. I hope 1 day I can back there for a month… I will never be that luckily, but one can dream, right?

I was in Animal Kingdom 1 day.  It wasn’t my favorite park, but the kids loved it.  Me, always looking for a story, decided to look around for one. Well, I found it.  Too many Red Sox fans... and I mean TOO MANY.  I decided there was a post I needed to write… and here it goes.  I am covering the identities of the people because I’m going to break balls at their expense and I actually mean no harm to the individual… it’s the team I hate.  Plus, this is all in good fun.

The black bar reminds me of my childhood. The Good Ol' AC/DC Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap cover...remember that?

EXHIBIT A: This guy tried to squeak by me. I saw him coming and he saw me whip out my camera.  He tried to get by, but let’s face it, days after the World Series, he still has the artificial beard and maybe realized he overreached being a Red Sox fan with a beard and a brand new Red Sox shirt.  We caught him.  You can’t escape BYB. I kid, I kid.

EXHIBIT B: This one of one of my favorites. 2 dudes and their kids walking through the park.  One is clearly a Red Sox fan.  The other appears to be a Twins fan.  If I was a Twins fan, I’d walk the other way.  The guy in the middle was staring my down.  I pretended I was taking a picture of the monkeys…

EXHIBIT C: I love this one.  A brand new Red Sox jersey and he has a band-aid on his face.  Clearly he just shaved his beard off and cut himself… his team accomplished what they set out to do… and good for them, but the band-aid is not appealing… Although, it’s better than those stupid beards.

EXHIBIT D: Here’s another one, and if I’m a Red Sox fan, I am NOT wearing this shirt, it’s hideous.  If you’re going to go sports shirt, go traditional, not stupid, you know what I mean?

There were many less Yankee fans in my trip, but I found the biggest bad ass I could find.  

He was a big guy, looking for a fight and wearing the Yankees proud on his cap.  I liked this guy.  I wanted to shake his hand and thank him for representing! 

Overall, my trip was glorious, but everywhere I looked, new Red Sox fans… and I didn’t like that part one bit.

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