
Sunday, October 27, 2013


I have seen unusual plays in my life, but last night's ending of the World Series Game 3 with the Cardinals winning on an obstruction call takes the cake!  Oddly, or maybe not so much... the first thing that came to my mind was "Babe Ruth."  This morning, I was joined by fellow BYB writer Suzie Pinstripe who tweeted this:
We were not alone... Ruth's name came to many people minds! Look, obstruction on the play was clear last night and in my opinion, but really I didn't notice until the throw came home and until the home plate umpire pointed it out. It looked like Allen Craig just tripped. I wasn't paying close enough attention to him because the moment was all too exciting.  But there he was coming home and there was the throw and upon the tag at home, I saw... "Safe! Jim Joyce made the obstruction call, and while the man has been off his game for some time now with lousy calls, I think he actually got that one right.

Around this time of year, strange thing happen.  The Red Sox once came back to beat the Yankees 4 straight after being down 3.  There have been dropped "easy" pop ups... and Jeffrey Maier just happened to be in the right place at the right time at one time in Yankee history.

Lord knows momentum changes from game to game. But it's my opinion that this obstruction play is a big blow to the Red Sox, and while 1 moment will hurt them, know this... they won't roll over. I sure helps though.

I love this great game and yes, I'd be brain dead if I didn't think about Babe Ruth on that play last night.  I believe in symbolism.  I believe that certain things, certain plays happen for a reason.  I also believe that Babe Ruth was in St. Louis last night... because it's unbelievable how that play came down.

He wasn't wearing his Yankee  He was wearing his Sox uniform to taunt them. And it was the Ruth ghost, sitting in the stands looking angry. He was looking at the field, and as the Cardinals pulled out there unusual win, he said out loud, but not heard by anyone in the overjoyed crowd... "Hey Red Sox... you should have never traded me. I'm coming to get ya... you miss me yet?"

Again... I believe in great plays, baseball irony and symbolism.  It's happened over the entire history of baseball.  There are records that will never be broken... only to 1 day, be broken.  There are teams that are never expected to make it to the World Series... only to make it, and sometimes win it.  And there is symbolism in baseball. Moments. Flickers... that make you  think back to the ghosts of the past.  The great names, the great stories... and the great spirits that still linger in this great game.  I believe... I mean I TRULY BELIEVE that the Babe was in St. Louis last night.... and I'll hold onto that moment... because I'm a Yankee fan.

Enjoy your Sunday everyone... and Go Cardinals! Ride that Moment... 2 to go. 

Today... the Babe is a Cardinals fan!

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