
Saturday, December 15, 2012


RA Dickey is pissed at the Mets.  The Mets are pissed at RA Dickey.  From what I gather, and I’m not a Mets fan, but I think I’ll  make a decent point here; While the Mets "owe" nothing to RA Dickey, Wouldn’t a clear minded owner understand the will and drive of this pitcher, his desire to win, his terrific season and want to throw a few extra bucks at him to keep him around Flushing to help build a franchise team? I guess not. I mean, it appears the whole spat is because the extension talks are just a nasty negotiation, read HERE. I mean, not for nothing, but the Mets won 20 games this season because of Dickey. My take is, if RA wants 2 years at $26 million... just give it to him, that's a simple deal. He was your best starter last year.  Finalize it and get it done!

And if that's not enough for the Mets, think about it this way... RA Dickey reinvented himself to become dominant.  He learned the craft of the knuckleball and came back to be a pretty damn good pitcher.  He won the Cy Young award.  Sure, the Mets can say that RA Dickey is enjoying his new found fame alittle too much and acting too arrogant, or whatever they seem to be doing to attack this guy's character, but hey, if RA Dickey feels good about himself after the season he just had, and the mountain he just climbed, let the guy ride the wave man! Seems like a no brainer to me!
RA Dickey was once told by Buck Showalter who managed the Texas Rangers to reinvent himself as a knuckleballer (HERE.) If he didn't, I wonder if Dickey would have been successful last season for the Mets, I suspect not.  It took him nearly 7 years to perfect the knuckleball, a pitch I never really appreciated until I watched Dickey last season.  His craft became evident, he’d done it and the award that followed was a symbol of that.

I’m a baseball fan and I believe in human dignity and self reliance, pushing one's self and believing and it’s all intertwined as far as I can see.  What RA Dickey did was extraordinary in 2012.  I was impressed and I don’t really care about the Mets at all.  Do I hate the franchise? Not really, they’re just “there” to me.  I can tell you 1 thing though, RA Dickey deserves alittle respect from his club.  Hey, if they don’t want to give it to him, he should flip them off and go elsewhere. Apparently the Blue Jays are looking at him, read HERE and hopefully the Mets free him, and then maybe them they'll understand what they lost out on.

But why do I suggest Dickey walk if he's disrespected? Because he deserves respect, he proved himself in 2012.  That’s not arrogance, that’s protecting yourself.  Dickey deserves to be treated better. Of all teams, you’d think the Mets would have learned that by now.

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