
Wednesday, December 19, 2012


Let me chime in on the RA Dickey-Ken Davidoff charade.  If you don’t know what I’m talking about, Ken Davidoff wrote a piece over this past weekend where he characterized RA Dickey as a “handful” in the Mets clubhouse.  You can read it HERE. Here is a quote from that piece:

"Dickey can be a handful. He clearly has enjoyed his rise from the ashes into a Flushing folk hero, and while he deserves praise and riches, there’s also the matter of him having to coexist peacefully in a workplace. His gift for self-promotion and his love of attention don’t endear himself to most teammates. Instead, his durability and outstanding results led him to be appreciated but far from beloved.

If Dickey can’t control his verbiage at a holiday party — “Folks, not today, not with the kids here” was all he had to say to reporters — then how would a full season of uncertainty feel? How many times would Dickey spout off publicly? Or work behind the scenes to make the Mets look bad and boost his own brand?"
I've heard this before.  Lately when Dickey and the Mets were trying to work out an extension deal, it was reportedly getting heated and it was revealed that the Mets didn't like the way Dickey was handling his new found fame, so to speak.  Read WHY I'M COMMENTING ON RA DICKEY, I'LL NEVER KNOW for guidance on how I felt about the situation.

Now... after that piece, there are plenty defending Dickey and slamming Ken Davidoff.  The question I have is "Why?"  Bottom line, as an outsider and absolutely nothing to gain writing about the Mets or Dickey for that matter, Ken Davidoff can write anything he wants from his perspective, because, quite frankly, Davidoff probably knows alittle something more than we do. He's the baseball insider.  He’s able to hang around the Mets players, the brass, and he can probably get any “off the record” or on the record conversation he wants with any player he wants, at any time... many of us can’t.  Maybe Davidoff is getting us a perspective that none of us know about. Did anyone think about that?  It’s unfair to attack Davidoff in that regard and for the record, I have no beef with Dickey either.  Davidoff does incredible work and Dickey can feel good about himself after his fairy tale season, I give him that. My beef is with the Mets. But more about my opinion on the Mets in another post, this one is about Davidoff who deserves props for doing his job!
Now, Davidoff put together another piece yesterday after the whirlwind and explains the basis for him criticizing Dickey (HERE). Why? Because he's not a coward. Davidoff's a good writer and always chats about his columns.  He's probably one of the most interactive writers out there. He doesn't post something and then, when he gets a million questions asked to him, he doesn't ignore those questions. Some do. He actually communicates, he gets it.

Look, my take is simple; RA Dickey’s moved on, he’s a Toronto Blue Jay.  The reality is, this story is over.  One can make an argument that no one should “care” about Dickey and his “antics” if there were any, that's where I fall. But, the other thing is, from my own perspective, I was clear when I wrote that if Dickey feels good about himself, winning a Cy Young award and 20 games, let him enjoy himself a bit, he deserves it.  Lord knows the Mets didn’t do anything for him to help win 20 games. I wrote: “He won the Cy Young award.  Sure, the Mets can say that RA Dickey is enjoying his new found fame alittle too much and acting too arrogant, or whatever they seem to be doing to attack this guy's character, but hey, if RA Dickey feels good about himself after the season he just had, and the mountain he just climbed, let the guy ride the wave man!"

The best part about Dickey was that today he said this about being a Toronto Blue Jay: “I can’t tell you how excited I am to be a part of an organization that’s committed to winning.” In other words, F Off Mets! (Read HERE.)

But back to Ken Davidoff... Lay off him. Or, stop being jealous.  The guy is one of the best out there, and he went the extra mile most likely to get the story that none of us had.  You can’t get angry at him for doing his job, that would be ridiculous. It’s the holiday season, lighten up. As far as I can tell the story is over... with Dickey getting the final word in. 

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