
Wednesday, December 5, 2012


Looks like if the Yankees can move Curtis Granderson, they will. That story came out yesterday (read HERE), before the sun even came up in Nashville. I read all the stories, I thought about it... I slept on it and not I'm writing about it... I'm ready to part with Curtis Granderson but I'm still wondering who our rightfielder will be and what we'll do with Grandy's spot.  It's all connected, nothing's easy.

I am a big fan of Curtis Granderson, or, "The Gentleman" as I fondly refer to him. He has truly shined in New York, but there is one thing that has been mounting and is tarnishing his record...his strikeout rate over the past few years is terrible. I am also a believer that his horrendous performance in the postseason this year opened the Yankees eyes a bit. Now, the timing seems right, contract-wise, Winter Meetings, etc. And so, the Yankees have announced that Curtis is available.

There are 2 things I hate in baseball...errors and strikeouts. No one likes to lose a game on an error and no one likes an automatic out on your ball club. Sure, Granderson has found a power in New York that makes him likable, he's a true Bronx Bomber, but put this in perspective a bit. We may see 40 plus homers a season in Granderson, but we needed to weed through the 195 K's.

(In Photo: Austin Jackson)
I remember when the Granderson trade went down, we gave up Austin Jackson, the future of the Yankees to get Curtis. Then, last year we gave up Jesus Montero for a broken down 23 year old in Michael Pineda. Jackson was Montero before Montero...untouchable. Now, Austin Jackson may not be a superstar in Detroit, but he's solid and he's young and full of energy...he's mold-able. Now, after 2 years of Curtis and alot of homers and a lot of strikeouts, this off season we're hearing the "Granderson may move to a corner outfield spot" or "The Yanks are listening to offers for Curtis." It's nuts how things change so quickly. Ironically, The Yankees still need a right fielder, yet we may want to unload Granderson. Confusing yet? It's gets more confusing now...

Enter Josh Hamilton, a conversation I honestly didn't expect to hear about at the Winter Meetings...especially him connected to the Yankees. But here it was... read HERE.  I read that ESPN piece and laughed. I can't imagine Hamilton ever coming to New York and I'm not sure why we'd want him here. This is a guy with problems off the field and true, every day is one day as a time, and I'm not being critical of that. I am however concerned for this guy who looked like he aged 5 years in the past 2.  Hamilton is mad talented with the bat, but often hurt, and not a good outfielder and with that instability and age brings everything the Yankees have NOT been wanting. So why? Why would Hamilton be a "good fit" as some are suggesting? It's silly.  What are we getting for the guy and then, say we get him to man right field... then what are we doing with Curtis Granderson? Would we be keeping him in center? Will he NOT be a corner outfielder for the Yankees? Are we still looking to trade him? A lot of outfield questions and I'm not sure Hamilton is and ever was truly in our plans.  Truth be told though, it was revealed that the Rangers and Hamilton are looking to seal a deal anyway, read HERE... so at least that silly rumor goes away for a bit, but still, let's get this Granderson thing settled, either he stays or goes, but let's get moving, don't you think?

The whole thing is frustrating as a Yankee fan...the Winter Meetings are madness. A lot of chatter... But Yankee fans want stability and a sure thing... So what are we doing here exactly Cash? What? Kevin Youkilis? Jeff Keppinger? Ichiro Suzuki? Raul Ibanez? Who?

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