
Monday, December 10, 2012


There are a bunch of really cool things about writing for BYB. The first one is I get to tell people I do something I absolutely love to do. Writing is my passion. It is a bigger part of me than most people will understand. If a day goes by that I don’t write, I don’t feel like accomplished anything.

I get to write about the New York Yankees. I have been a fan ever since I can remember. I would watch baseball with my grandfather growing up. It was how we bonded and I have never let go of baseball or the Yankees. Now it is something I share with my own children. It is a combination of two of my passions. I do this because I really want to... because I love to do it. It makes me genuinely happy.

On Friday, I got a shoutout from An A-Blog for A-Rod for a piece I wrote on Curtis Granderson titled IS CURTIS GRANDERSON REALLY TRADE BAIT? The shoutout is HERE.

This made me do a little Charlie Brown dance of happiness when I read it because:
  • I have been reading this blog for a while
  • I respect the blog writer and the content they put out
  • it really is awesome to me that a known and liked blogger noticed my piece.
I don’t write for recognition, but it makes you feel kind of special when you do receive it. It’s a writer’s version of a gold star at the top of your paper.

Blogs like An A-Blog for A-Rod, BYB and a few others, continue to change the way fans interact. It gives a voice to the fans. As the community of Yankees fans who write and read blogs continue to grow, the content continues to get better. I feel very honored to be among these blog writers. They are incredibly talented.

So, thanks for the shoutout and here's to continued success... the bloggers are taking over!

--Erica Morales, BYB Writer
Twitter: @e_morales1804

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