
Friday, December 7, 2012


It was revealed yesterday in the Wall Street Journal, a brilliant piece HERE, that Cashman came to Nashville with his hands tied by Yankee brass.  That would explain alot.  I'm not sure if the Steinbrenners and Randy Levine ultimately want to call the shots on who the Yankee do or don't sign or if they are truly strapped for cash.  It's a different world these days, eh?

Now comes a report that the Yankees, not Brian Cashman have been sniffing around the hydrant of Josh Hamilton.  I know, I know, "checking in" and "kicking the tires" was getting old...I went for it. That's right, the Yankees were rumored to be in fact, "SNIFFING AROUND THE HYDRANT" with it.  Read this from Bob Nightengale HERE.
Where's Cashman in all of this? This reminds me of the Rafael Soriano signing a few years ago. Cashman never wanted Soriano, the Yankees did... in the end, the Yankees won that one.  I'm curious if this is more of the same.

Stay tuned...

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