
Tuesday, November 20, 2012


It's like the little kid who wants the helium balloon in the store. The parent buys it for them. The kid is excited. And then, when they get outside, the parent hands the kid the balloon just so it can slip through their fingers and into the sky... Until it's gone. The Parent says "Well, I'm not buying you another one!"

What a mean parent. That's Jeffrey Loria and the kid is the Miami taxpayers. Today, that Marlins-Jays deal finally went through, courtesy of Bud Selig. Read HERE. What a sin. Look, it's true... Loria's the owner, and true, he can do whatever he wants and human decency doesn't need to factor into the equation, especially when it comes to business. But there is no denying that something stinks in Miami.

My take on this is simple, and it has been for a week now. If your top guy, Giancarlo Stanton is complaining about the "Blockbuster trade", saying he does not "like this at all", then that speaks volumes and if I'm Stanton, I'm asking for a trade...not tomorrow...NOW!  There is no supporting cast on that Miami club right now for Stanton. Plus, the fans will leave that place empty as a sign of protest, and they should. I have no doubt in my mind they will.

Again, and I state the obvious, and it doesn't seem too far fetched in my mind... Brian Cashman needs to bring Stanton to New York, somehow, someway...not yesterday...NOW!

Now a very smart reader names Jorge Torres wrote this in the comments section of THE GIANCARLO STANTON SCRAMBLE HAS BEGUN. Read it below. It's a smart comment:

Actually, a brilliant point and I'd agree with that. Stanton wants to play for a winner. Now, do I know that for a fact? No.  Do I know Stanton? Nope. But every baseball player wants to play for a winner...that's the goal. The Yankees are winners. The Giants are World Champs.  Stanton wants to win. Case closed. Cashman needs to get on the phone.

So what happens now?  I'll keep an eye on Miami, but I need to get back to my beat with my Yankees, who are doing nothing this winter so far. The Yanks need a splash, even it's not pouring tons of money into a veteran player...they need a splash! They need to be smart these days with that $189 million payroll thing going on. Cash can do it, he plays the shell game better than any GM I've ever seen and if there's a way to get Stanton to New York, he'll figure it out, because you have to figure the discussion would be simple: "Do you want to play for an empty stadium with no supporting cast on the field with you? Or ... Do you want to play for a team with a tradition of winning and a fan base better than anything you've ever seen? " I know where my money is... Let's hope the Bronx will one day be Giancarlo Stanton's home.  That's my hope at least.

Go Cash Go!

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