
Sunday, November 25, 2012


The Yankees have been connected off and on to Jeff Keppinger for about 2 years now.  Then, the interest, or rumor with Keppinger goes away.  Yesterday it came back thanks to Ken Rosenthal of FOX, HERE. But Why? Because, according to Rosenthal, he is hearing that eventually ARod will be moved out of the 3rd base spot...starting in 2013.

OK, just wait a second.  "Why is this a story?"  That was my first thought. I mean, is this a hard fact or is it a guess to get clicks? So let's break it down, BYB style... The Yankees may want extra infield help. OK, that I see.  After all, it's the off season.  The Yankees currently don't have Eric Chavez signed and they do have Jayson Nix and Eduardo Nunez, but clearly an upgrade would be nice.
Jeff Keppinger and Stephen Drew are 2 names rumored to be attached to the Yankees recently. I'm on board with all of this.

But what I don't get is why there is a silly rumor surfacing that Alex Rodriguez is going to be moved out of the 3rd place spot.  It's ridiculous and dare I say, it's a way to stir the pot in a quiet Yankee off season.  There's nothing to this story in my opinion, not in 2013 anyway. Why do I say that? Here's why...
Alex Rodriguez is not a bad fielder. It's my take that his fielding while manning third isn't the problem. In fact, the problem in 2012 was his was a miss.  Doesn't anyone remember when the Joe Girardi pulled him out of the lineup in the playoffs?  Read HERE.  Doesn't anyone remember when Alex Rodriguez said about himself and his performance in the playoffs,  "If I do what I do, Joe doesn’t have a choice, neither does (GM Brain) Cashman, neither does anybody... I have to look in the mirror."  Doesn't anyone remember when Girardi said at his after the season press conference that Alex is still his third baseman? Read HERE.   That's 3 on-the-record facts that have been printed as references to back up a Rosenthal's piece that could actually have been done responsibly, if he did a simple Google search. Yet, the story that was written is that the Yankees wants to make him the "permanent DH" and move him off third? No, the writers may have gotten it wrong...again....and probably on purpose.  Even Brian Cashman said the story is silly saying "There is no discussion whatsoever about Alex transitioning from third base to DH, part-time DH, first base or any other position on the field...” Now, while Cash never shows his hand, I believe him on this one.
Look, over time Alex will be older an yeah, transitioning him to play the field less makes sense, but 2013 is not that year.  Remember, Alex was out hurt this season because he got hit in July by Felix Hernandez and then, when he finally came back, he just never warmed up.

His bat went cold and for the record, over the last few years it's been cold.  His offensive numbers are not vintage Alex.  Now, you can tell me that he's older and the days of vintage Alex are long gone, and I'd agree with you, but my point is, if Alex had a cold bat, why would you put an automatic out as a Designated Hitter in the American League? You wouldn't.  Again, it's a silly story and doesn't hold water.

So what's my take on all of this?  It's quiet in Yankeeland, and when it's quiet, the "pick on Alex Rodriguez" stories start flying.  Why? Because it peaks people's interests. It peaks Yankee fans interests.  Luckily, I know for a fact that you readers aren't stupid, you're smart and you know B.S. when you see it. The best part to this? All you have to do is analyze the logic of Alex, 3rd base and the DH and every knows this stories bogus... at least for 2013.   It's just a story that came out 2 years too early.

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