
Tuesday, August 9, 2011


“I have to find a way to have fun.” – AJ Burnett

AJ, welcome to New York and welcome to the New York Yankees. If you don’t win in New York, you don’t have fun, that's the reality. Sorry pal. But here’s an easy solution…start winning.

AJ Burnett has been defended by me for a few years now, but I also know the truth about AJ Burnett; he’s no superstar, he’s just a pitcher that makes bank. That being said, good for him, but he gets paid to do 1 important thing…win. The problem is, he’s not winning.

AJ, this is a simple formula that anyone can understand, even my 8 year old son who helped bring his team to the semi-finals of their little league knows it. When they don’t win, it isn’t fun. When you win, it is the greatest game in the world. Not sure how it works? Then think back to 2009 when you were World Champions, I remember you smiling a lot then. Recently, you’re not.

During the winter, the goal was clear, AJ needed to clear his head, re-learn his mechanics, build his confidence, pitch and win. It’s my theory of the Pyramid of Pitching Dominance. I wrote about it all winter, I wrote about it with Phil Hughes and of AJ Burnett and any pitcher that had lost their way for that matter. We even teach it to the kids in Little League. Coming into April, AJ looked relaxed, he looked confident and he looked ready, then suddenly he wasn’t winning in the most important time of year, now.

So, how do we fix it? Rothschild needs to talk AJ down from the edge, get the guy focused and re-evaluate Mr. Burnett again, that’s a start. I’ve always said AJ needs a little birdie on his shoulder telling him how good he can be. AJ needs his hand held and he needs a leader, like a CC or in the old days of the Blue Jays, Roy Halladay to look up to. Unfortunately AJ needs it all.

(Photo: Getty)

He said it himself. In reference to his last outing, he said, “I wished somebody would have grabbed me and shook me.” Let’s face it, he’s high maintainance and right now he’s seeing the New York media closing in on him just like they did last year around this time, it’s familiar. He remembers and it’s affecting him mentally, it’s all affecting him. While it’s alittle overwhelming, my best advice to AJ is to just shut up and pitch.

Tonight is key because he spoke to the media and explained how important it was that he was an effective pitcher tonight: “I know it’s my job and I know I get paid a lot of money.” First off, AJ feels the pressure, if he didn’t, he would have never said that to the New York media, but more importantly, and secondly, now he’s backed himself into a corner. If AJ Burnett blows tonight’s game, it will be a pile on tomorrow and AJ will be at the bottom of the heap.

Tonight, I will watch the game closely, analyzing AJ’s body language and his mechanics. I will cross my fingers when need be and I will pray to the Yankee Gods that this guy that I’ve backed all season long can pitch like he’s capable of…and NOT like AJ Burnett. We need a win pal… let’s go!

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